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You might be finishing a degree at the university or starting a new job in a corporate office. Judge. If you want a spirit to go away that is bothering you just say out loud in your most firm voice, Go away.. Reversed, the hierophant speaks of a rebelling against rigid Enlightenment thought, embracing instead a journey without walls or boundaries - one marked by curiosity, creativity and mindfulness that leads to higher truths. If youre wondering if they feel attracted to you, the combination of these two cards indicates that the answer is most likely yes. When the Hierophant appears for feelings --- it may suggest that this person is looking for a deeper level of understanding and connection with you. (You and me. ) The Hierophant can also suggest that this person is letting go of any rigid beliefs or expectations, and instead focus on opening up the heart to unconditional love. If the Hierophant is reversed, love and romance can mean all rules have been broken and barriers have been smashed. However, the Hierophant is not a card of action, so they may still be sitting on the fence despite themselves. They already feel that you are marriage material, and they have deep feelings for you. They want to help you grow and progress. They believe you do not share the same values, even though you may have truly loved each other, and they cannot get past that. As he holds the key, this implies that tradition will enable success. For relationships and feelings, The Hierophant is a tricky card. The inverted Hierophant indicates a person who finds their proper right to judge others. Get 3 free minutes and 50% off your first reading when you try now. Ive gotten this card in regard to marriage for individuals who marry not because of true love, but because the individual feels pressure from the group to marry. They still care about you, but not romantically. For those in committed relationships, the Hierophant reversed as feelings means that you need to explore your relationship dynamic. It could be as simple as getting a rejection letter from a school or job application. Get FREE insight into whether you and your love interest are a match The Lovers and The Lovers Communication as a couple hinges on the intuitive instincts of Hierophant making sense of the emotional depths and quagmire of The Hermit. Yes, they like you and have feelings for you, particularly if you cherish tradition and have traditional values. When it comes to love, The Hierophant card represents marriage. The Hierophant is the chief representative of institutions and ideas that have proven stable over the long course of time. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The Hierophant Reversed, with its boundless energy and infinite possibilities, encourages us to think outside of the box when it comes to health and wellness. We cannot live without love. Consider giving up something of yours to help someone else, or just get rid of negative emotions around work - to lighten your personal load. The Hierophant reversed as feelings for ex indicates that your ex still harbors resentment if you are inquiring about how they feel about you. It is less about paying solicitor fees and more about having to give money to government or charity. Be ladylike is your advice or a gentleman. On a mundane level of advice, the Hierophant begs the advice of being a good listener. It implies an understanding of one's quest for personal growth and a desire to seek out whatever wisdom is needed in order to meet lifes challenges in ever-evolving ways. The Hierophant is not a very emotional tarot card, to say the least. Hierophant Tarot Card Love Meaning To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below.