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Libro #1 de one-shots en WattpdIniciada: 25/02/2022Terminada: 29/04/2022. After the war, Harry Potter is desperate to make sure that not a single life more is ruined by Voldemort's legacy. Chapitre 1 (et peut-tre le seul ) Une jeune fille tait sur son lit, avec l'Homme qu'elle aimait tant ses ct. Hello, this is a one shot book of the short stories and crazy ideas that pop in my head. Nevertheless, pre-emptive counter-measures must be made to thwart his efforts. , and see how well the author takes that familiar Granger personality and puts it into this very extenuating circumstance. But as time goes on his hope dies. Male Slash; Mates; Family; Healing; Bad Albus Dumbledore; Bad Voldemort (Harry Potter) . So on each birthday he wishes for this nightmare to end. Will Harry every show his true self? The worlds of Harry Potter and Gundam Wing collide in this tale about two places that are radically different and yet similar at the same time. For ten long years, Harry Potter has wandered east, running from war and the ghosts of too many friends. Crossover between Twilight and Harry Potter. If you want to read something that doesnt have a romantic pairing, you can find that too. Harry willingly walks to face Voldemort for one last time. But when you do come across a beautifully thought out and fleshed out one-shot "what if" story about a family that might have been, you make sure everyone you know reads it. Now, you can keep up with Harry, Hermione and Ron Weasley at different points in the series and beyond as they embark on magical adventures in Hogwarts. What happened when Harry Potter's characters watch the life of Harriet Potter? But sometimes wire get crossed, and the hatred runs stronger than human decency. Tony thought after meeting literal gods, fighting against invading Aliens and flying a Nuke through a wormhole into space that nothing could shock him anymore. The boy was sobbing, he knew that much. (And All The Tags, too! Peter's in love. Incluso si una inquietante sensacin de peligro haca doler su pecho.