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endobj stream For example, BM Tradas Fire Assessment for Falcon Panel Products Strebord 44mm FD30 door core stipulates the following positions; Top hinge: 120 200mm from head of leaf to top of hingeBottom hinge: 150 300mm from foot of leaf to bottom of hingeMiddle hinge: Centrally between top and bottom hinges OR can be fitted higher than this point, up to a maximum height of 100mm from top hinge. PDF Optima FD30 44mm - Halspan To save you time, we have collated all of our brochures, data sheets, case studies, NBS clauses, and specification documents in one place. To save you time, we have collated all of our brochures, data sheets, case studies, NBS clauses, and specification documents in one place. On this test the datum for the hinge positions is always the centreline of the hinge; Top hinge Max 250mm from the top of the doorBottom hinge Max 250mm from the bottom of the doorMiddle hinge Positioned centrally between the top and bottom hinge OR max 300mm below the top hinge. All rights reserved.Company registered in Scotland number SC194458Registered office: Halspan Limited, Muirhouses, BoNess, West Lothian, EH51 9SS, UK. You must use 3 hinges for all standard sized fire doors. <> Tested Product: Unlatched, single leaf, single acting, timber based, flush door leaves fitted with Between Glass Blinds vision panels. 3 0 obj 01223 363060, 68 Church End, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, CB1 3LB. 1 0 obj<>>> <> <>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 842.04]/Parent 2 0 R /Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> We also have a separate post about when you need to add intumescent pads behind the hinge blade and what thickness pads these need to be essential reading before fitting your fire door hinges! <> Single acting door frames must incorporate a 12mm deep rebate or planted stop. Product Selector. [+Z jC. When doors are fire tested, the position of the hinges is carefully noted and the fire test assessment will only cover a certain range of hinge positions based on those test positions. Another common door leaf is the Halspan Optima 30, where BM Trada's Fire Assessment stipulates; Top hinge: 100 - 180mm from the head of the door to top of hinge Bottom hinge: 150 - 250mm from the foot of the door to bottom of hinge Middle hinge: Centrally between top and bottom hinges OR min 200mm from top hinge