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Multnomah County Elections notified the Gresham City Recorder of the outcome by email. Stovall said he was honored to have so much support from his community. His life experiences and leadership guide the City and community forward at a time when unity has never been more important. background-color: #6db24f; State courts Tech: Matt Latourelle Ryan Burch Kirsten Corrao Beth Dellea Travis Eden Tate Kamish Margaret Kearney Eric Lotto Joseph Sanchez. After Election Recount, Travis Stovall Is Gresham's Next Mayor State executives | For more information, call 503-907-6016. Gresham is a city in Multnomah County, Oregon. Local ballot measures "We have the utmost faith and appreciation in the Multnomah County Elections Division," Morales says. My Gresham service requests anytime, anywhere. Ballot measures Multnomah County Chair: Dr. Sharon Meieran. I thank my opponents for their williness to run campaigns and their commitment to our City, especially Councilor Morales who will be working alongside me on the City Council.. Theres nothing like lazy summer days relaxing on the patio. Gresham Mayor Shane Bemis resigns | Gresham mayoral race yet to be called, 700-plus 'challenge ballots Berlin gets first conservative mayor in more than two decades Become a WW supporter. Recount boards, which are teams of Multnomah County voters affiliated with different political parties, were charged with recounting more than 51,000 Gresham ballots from the more than 467,000 ballots cast in the November election. Ive spent my career helping our businesses thrive, creating quality healthcare, and building infrastructure so that our children and families can get around safely, said Stovall. A week since Election Day, the race for Gresham mayor has gone from neck-and-neck to virtual dead heat. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. Gresham Area Political Candidates Endorsed by the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce. A recount is expected. State Senate #26: Daniel Bonham. The election to the 19th Berlin House of Representatives originally took place on 26 September 2021, but the results were ruled invalid by the Berlin Constitutional Court on 16 November 2022. Whether you're moving to or investing in Gresham, we help open doors. I especially want to thank my supporters and the voters who backed me to win this race. The Gresham Area Chamber candidate endorsement process starts with a questionnaire. School districts | Wegner's center-right Christian Democratic Union, Germany's main opposition party, emerged as the biggest party in the February rerun election that was ordered . That means a recount is mandatory under state law.