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is horse or the steer before the barrel. 0000002763 00000 n The right to withdraw a steer from the herd at any time is required as sorting occurs continually throughout most professionally run events. trailer <<3DDB239F9E9E4CC2B962746B9493088A>]/Prev 532740/XRefStm 2763>> startxref 0 %%EOF 332 0 obj <>stream 0000070423 00000 n 0000172609 00000 n The NTR National Finals kicks off March 4, with RAM Saturday starting with the #8.5 Megabucks followed by the #8.5 RAM Truck Roping, including the Rising Stars Dummy Roping with three age groups. 0000169470 00000 n of the software will be contained within a mobile app that not only gives you access to events, but also Global Handicaps.. x}MeWBjx'H4*Aq8\8 FVC;~@R!ihFC/}3c1k0 Zk93p8l}p8 <>/Metadata 435 0 R/ViewerPreferences 436 0 R/PageLabels 437 0 R>> What You Need to Know About theNTR National Finals IX, Working Through the Tricks: Ward and Hawkins Take the Red Bluff Round-Up Win, Full Results: USTRCs 2023 Cinch National Finals of Team Roping, Fort Worth Fun: 8 Days of Outside-Arena Fun During the USTRCs Cinch NFTR, National Team Ropings National Finals IX. Home The Global Evolution: Introducing Global Handicaps. If in the opinion of the Field judge/flagger one or both members of a team stops competing during the course of a run, the Field judge/flagger has the right to flag the team out. A contestant may point out to the official an incorrect communication between the Field judge/flagger and timekeeper. USTRC 7500 Alamo Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120. 0000015581 00000 n Unless a medical exemption is made, heeled or any type tennis shoes will not be permitted. For more information on Global Handicaps go to World Series rules allow any female heeler to tie on, but DeSalvo chooses to dally. Any question or further discourse concerning the call should be addressed directly to the contractor/producer immediately. In 2016, Motes was jackpotting around home and heading as a 7 when DeSalvo lived nearby and was still a 6.5. On-Site: Renew your membership at any USTRC Signature Series or NFTR Earnings event. All of this may sound a little complicated at first, but I encourage all of you to have patience and dont panic. Are there any tricks? Failure to observe dress code will result in a no-time on any steer qualified. Average champions in all Legends ropings and Championship ropings, including the #10.5 All-Girl and #11.5 Mixed, will also be awarded fancy Gist trophy buckles. % The flagger may flag a team out after a time is taken on a run, based on an illegal head catch or illegal heel catch, steer was not secure or any other factor that was not clear when time was taken.