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Checout dev. Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? To do so I am doing these steps. After copying the missing content, Git attempts to overwrite the current master with the latest commit. How do I discard unstaged changes in Git? I also use it a little differently than you. I checkout files which have any type of modification, not just M, so it works all the time. I had a similar issue, where I needed to effectively replace any file that had changes / conflicts with a different branch. It may sound like something that would help us overwrite local changes. If we combine the two changes, the resulting code no longer compiles. You said. All is well when you and the rest of your team are working on totally separate files. So I did: (which would move the entire feature branch on top of the develop branch and keep all the commits) -> it didn't. Thank you very much, while trying to understand, do you mean that from my local branch I should do "git reset --hard local" ? In my case I wanted to pull changes from a remote branch that were force pushed. However, this is a very different beast to what's presented in this article. If you don't want to type the branch name every time you run this command, Git has a nice shortcut pointing to the upstream branch: @{u}. Stashing just moves uncommitted files out of the way. The general explanation would be that your local branch has commits which are not present in the remote version. Here is why: For some reason, if your file is ignored by Git (via a .gitignore entry, I assume), it still bothers about overwriting this with a later pull, but a clean will not remove it, unless you add -x. I believe there are two possible causes of conflict, which must be solved separately, and as far as I can tell none of the above answers deals with both: Local files that are untracked need to be deleted, either manually (safer) or as suggested in other answers, by git clean -f -d, Local commits that are not on the remote branch need to be deleted as well. git: How do I overwrite all local changes on merge? (Git), Sync local branch with the remote branch in git repository, Gihub Personal Access Token expiration in android studio, git pull already up to date.