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Piapiacs and cattle egrets feed on insects that are stirred up in the wake of a walking giraffe. Giraffes are classed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), because of ongoing habitat loss (deforestation, land use conversion, expansion of agriculture and human population growth), civil unrest (ethnic violence, rebel militias, paramilitary and military operations), illegal hunting (poaching), and For example, the giraffe has learned how to use its neck as a weapon. Kok, OB, Opperman, DP (1980): Feeding behaviour of giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis in the Willem-Pretorius-Game-Reserve, Orange Free State. Multiple levels of social organization, as demonstrated using social network analysis (e.g., Bashaw et al. They also use their long necks to touch each other as a way of communicating affection. Giraffes have a print like a cheetah. Want the full story? As a consequence, several of todays giraffe populations are isolated and live in detached habitat fragments or fenced reserves [7, 8]. Is the unconditioned response, drooling in response to food, exactly identical to the conditioned response, drooling in response to the bell? Some animals, especially primates, are capable of more complex forms of learning, such as problem-solving and the construction of mental maps. Z Tierpsychol. Martin P, Bateson P: Measuring behaviour. African Journal of Ecology 21, 269-283. They usually live in herds of up to 20 and no less than 6. General and Comparative Endocrinology 141, 271-281. Habitat destruction is one of the biggest threats to giraffes. One prominent early investigator of operant conditioning was the psychologist B. F. Skinner, the inventor of the Skinner box, see image below. Giraffes are weaned at 1518 months, although some suckle up to 22 months of age. They probably do. Their tongues can reach deep into plants to feed on leaves and branches. 2001, 73: 235-247. 10.1007/s10164-006-0030-z. 1996, 11: 260-263. Behavioral adaptations take time to develop as they are genetically passed on to ensuing generations. Hall-Martin AJ, Skinner JD, van Dyk JM (1975): Reproduction in the giraffe in relation to some environmental factors. Giraffesare also herbivores. Another example of giraffe learned behavior is that the giraffe knows how to cross busy roads without getting hit by cars.