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Ill fucking wait. Not appropriate at all. Please understand, this blog receives a fair number of drive-by shitposts from people who dont want to leave their names, and I mistook your comment for one of those. Venus 2-in-1 Cleanser + Shave Gel can be used during your shave to
I cant imagine this ad will generate more sales than people vowing to no longer purchase products from this company. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Lets talk about diversity in TV commercials, trimming bushes ad for Schicks Hydro Silk TrimStyle razor, the inundation of race and other minorities in advertising,,, encourage children as young as age 4 to change their gender identification without their parents consent. Absolute bullseye. Until you pull commercials like this, I WONT buy any of your razors. For Christs sake!! Wow, just saw this disgusting commercial for the first time! . Hell yeah! Shall we have equally explicit ads for toilet paper? He can give you the free gift of grace. I wonder, did the idiots at Gillette bother to think how this ad would play out with mixed audiences like this? The 1-minute spot sees our cartoon hairoine perched on a bathtub soap dish, belting out the woes of life as the bodys most maligned cuticle. Im no prude, but honestly, its a bit much. If you havent already figured it out if you buy Pink razors and such that have the same product in Mens (not in pink), youre simply paying PINK MARK UP, AND THE COMPANIES ARE COUNTING ON YOUR NAIVETY TO DO SO. it sounds like youre jealous because its a real woman whos attractive and youre threatened, its 2021 lol this commercial should be the least of your concerns. Gillette's new advert stars a singing pubic hair - and it's oddly compelling. This ad is inappropriate as are some others being aired now. Its women that Gillette wants. Thank you Holly. This is *just a lil bit* sexy. In a now deleted tweet, Gill said, Young teens are already watching porn but theyre finding hard core aggressive videos that give a terrible view of sex. In 2019, sex toy company Dame filed suit against New York City subways for pulling out (no pun intended) of a deal to run their risqu posters in trains ads that read, simply, Toys, for sex alongside an image of one of their devices. Ladies? Venus also recently added a Gentle Trimmer and Hair \u0026 Skin Softening Oil to its popular Venus for Pubic Hair \u0026 Skin Collection, providing even more options to care for their hair and skin in the pubic area.We were thrilled to see so many people taking inspiration from The Pube Song last year and feeling empowered to use anatomical terms to describe their bodies, Dana Malcolm, Senior Brand Director, says. Well, I was raised to be a lady, not just female. And I hope Disney sues them over it. "The Pube Song" aims to normalize and destigmatize female pubic grooming, per a press release. That would have been stunning and brave, wouldnt it? A worthy follow-up to last year's "The Pube Song"--for which BANG Music won the AMP Award for Best .