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Congratulations Richard Smith fishing Bemersyde. Fishing will be from 9am to 5pm with the ghillie(s) having an hour off at lunchtime unless prior arrangements have been made with the ghillie. FishPal - Scotland - When and where to fish FishTweed has everything you need for a fishing trip. Ms de 100.000 varillas/da para elegir! We won't pass your data to anyone else. } 1. But you never know with springers and how fast they travel, in spite of the water conditions. Great news! FishTweed - Feedback: Memorable two day trip to Boleside - Facebook The season begins on the 1st of February and runs right through to the 30th of November, with fishing available from Monday through to Saturday (no Sunday fishing). On the first day please meet at 9.15am at the Old Sawmill where you will be met by the gillie. Contact Details Telephone 01573 470612 Address / Location FishPal Stichill House Kelso } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { With the increased temperatures and longer daylight hours, salmon begin moving more freely through the beats and Middle Tweed should begin to enjoy increased catches. Philip Ellis "First fish of the season on Tweedswood caught on a home tied Dee Monkey, small but perfectly formed and a great scrap." River levels, fishing reports and daily catches. Allegan County Criminal Case Lookup, I do hope so, and soon. .partnerPhotoCarousel-fullcreen{ Tweed has a deserved reputation as one of the world's great salmon fisheries. Tweed is the second longest river in Scotland and takes great pride in the fact that it produces more fish caught to the fly than any other river in Britain. Tweed; Latest catches; Latest catches. We all have our favourite Tweed beats. There are three-and-a-half miles of single bank fishing and around 20 named pools - nobody can quite agree as to the exact number! width: 80%; The Rising/Falling state is determined by a movement greater than 1/2 inch over the two hours prior to the last reading. Drygrange SteadingMelroseRoxburghshireTD6 9DJ, Established by order underThe Scotland Act 1998(River Tweed) Order 2006, A Charitable CompanyRegistered in Scotland No. woocommerce hide variation description Hence the beat does well in early summer as well as in the autumn. }); If so, and if water levels continue to drop, the beats below Kelso, even Coldstream might be best placed for success. fishpal tweed boleside - Even in the summertime, this is big river fishing and the majority of fishing is done from a boat.