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counselors! Explain the steps necessary to assess and handle a medical emergency until help arrives. Using a Scout Revolution lesson plan takes the hard work out of preparing to teach a merit badge. Blanks in this worksheets table appear when
Secure Red Cross Aid. Some are required for scouts like communication, first aid, family life and personal management, while others like fishing,. Each lesson plan provides a step-by-step sequence of activities, including games . endobj Without knowledge of CPR, you should immediately place the victim in a seated position with their knees raised and instruct someone nearby to call 911. What is Triage? RAP ABCH Review Safety is the primary concern. The sooner treatment begins, the better the possible outcome. First Aid Scout's Name: _____ First Aid - Merit Badge Workbook Page. In this Boy Scout merit badge workbook, students complete 7 pages of multiple step, short answer questions about the study of medicine. Contents 1 A. Themed Lesson Plans for Boy Scout Merit Badges. They prepare for emergencies by learning about emergency services, developing an emergency action plan, and knowing how to obtain potable water. In this first aid lesson, students discuss CPR, Choking, Severe Bleeding, and Shock. This merit badge workbook for swimming provides a checklist of achievements necessary to secure this Boy Scout badge. Explain the treatment for shock and hot and cold weather related injuries or ailments. Click here. )-+>hfMm]}CcSsKk[{GgWwOo>G:tC'N:tCg; ~&$P6@ZucZuxk
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V5%%0s1 ( vj&MRL_](K*"tUN. Wilderness Surivival Lesson Plans - Blogger Tourniquets have proven immensely valuable in saving life and limb. tourniquet. Explain and Demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver and abdominal thrusts. explain how the following elements and terms affect the quality of a picture: a. Assign one or more requirements that the scout can do at home, perhaps as a family activity. Make a fist and place the thumb side of your fist just slightly above the navel. I earned my Eagle back in 2014, and along the way, learned how to be a dependable leader. Display and discuss its contents with your counselor. Then demonstrate proper CPR technique using a training device approved by your counselor. Straddle the victim by sitting on their thighs. If so, you're in the right place! You definitely deserve a break at this point; give yourself a huge pat on the back. 40 It is an automated medical device that can analyze the hearts rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock, or defibrillation, to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm. First aid is the temporary care that you give until professional help arrives. Basically, youll assess how injured each of the victims are, then treat those with life-threatening injuries before those with minor injuries so that the most people can survive. This article includes information on first, second, and third degree burns. These are the 3 steps you take in an emergency. If the victim is not breathing they need immediate treatment. the history of chess spans some 1500 years. Weather Related Emergencies Treatment for Hypothermia The core body temperature drops below degrees. Ninety-five. Copyright 2020 Scout Revolution | All Rights Reserved |, Citizenship in the World Merit Badge: Secret Agent, Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge: Zombie Survival, Wilderness Survival Merit Badge: Special Forces, Lets be honest: some merit badges can feel like being back in school for both Scouts. When you have frostbite, rub the hands together slowly to warm them up. Introduction Meeting 2.1 News Flash Explain when a bee sting could be life threatening and what action should be taken for prevention and for first aid. PS: The article also links to my other ultimate badge guides thatll help you to complete your merit badge worksheets. For getting fully prepared to camp safely, Id highly recommend earning your Camping merit badge.