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If there is someplace that a lot of people want to go to, it is safe to assume that parking will be limited. Painted colored curbs have the following special parking rules: WhiteStop only long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail. If a fire breaks out nearby, the fire fighters will need that hydrant to combat the blaze and save lives and property. Do not leave the door open any longer than necessary. Goldstein questioned why the DWP truck at the fire hydrant wasn't ticketed. Any driver that lives in a city knows the hassle of finding a decent parking spot. In many places, you are subject not only to fines but immediate towing. Code 22514. If it does, be sure to arrive on time. NRS 484B.450 - Illegal Stopping or Parking in Nevada - Shouse Law Group Parking Enforcement | Port Hueneme, CA - Official Website Make sure there is some sort of landmark that is identifiable for that street in the photo (otherwise, its just a picture of some tape). The law isnt meant to inconvenience you, its there to ensure the safety of firefighters and the general public. YellowStop no longer than the time posted to load or unload passengers or freight. Loaning your placard to friends or family members (disabled or not). California Law against Parking in Front of a Hydrant. You may make the argument that youre not technically parked if someone is sitting in the car, right? for non-profit, educational, and government users. Answer (1 of 3): California Vehicle Code section 22514 makes it a misdemeanor to "stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle within 15 feet of a fire hydrant." It's pretty difficult to part on one. While they arent needed all of the time, when they are needed, they are important. . Between a safety zone and the curb. Then you may face a parking ticket, you might have been clamped or your car may have been towed, or a combination of any or all of these things. Youve been driving around for what feels like hours and youve been looking for the perfect parking space and then you see it!