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Related: How In The Heights' Opening Song Mirrors Hamilton's, Best line: "You have no control/Who lives, who dies, who tells your story.". For a better comparison, Eminem rhymes at 6.46 words per second during a 15-second span, which aligns with Diggs' performance in Hamilton as Lafayette. The Rap on 'Hamilton': American History Meets Hip Hop The rap songs in composer Lin Manuel Miranda's Broadway smash "Hamilton" are about more than just the Founding Fathers. )(To the revolution! The heart-tugging lyrics, which weave in and out of Angelica's toast at her sister's wedding, take you through her inner monologue as she's torn between pursuing her instantaneous attraction to Hamilton and carrying on their penetrating banteror sending him Eliza's way. ), these were not included in word counts. This is where the tears usually start in the audience: Alexander and Eliza Hamilton's frantic rush to their son on his deathbed, in a reprisal of one of the Hamilton songs that marked Alexander's own brush with death earlier in the show. Here's how fast Daveed Diggs is able to rap as Marquis de Lafayette. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. He showed off his speedy performance skills for Jimmy Fallon on The Toni To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The "Hamilton" score still has a fair amount of variation in pace the fastest tracks are just shy of 200 words per minute, while the five slowest fall in the range of 64 to 80 words per . The most blatant of these is the casting of actors of color in nearly every major role, something that the show doesn't directly call attention to as part of the narrative. United Kingdom () When. Hamilton's resentment at sitting on the writing bench throughout the war boils over in this one of Hamilton songs: a tense argument between Hamilton and Washington in the wake of the Charles Lee/John Laurens duel. Brie Schwartz is an editor, writer, and content strategist. We continued to film close-ups, dolly shots, and crane shots all night Sunday.