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Weve collected over 1800 fake company names suggestions to help you out. You may believe that picking a decent fake company name is simple, but it really requires some imagination. We can learn a naming lesson or two from these non-existent corporate giants; perhaps your startup needs a name that reads like an Acme but conveys the scope of a Globex. 13 Classic YA Books Everyone Should Read (or Re-read). In the real world, people tend to look at bar work as a stepping stone to bigger and better things. It also incorporates rhythmic elements by using alliteration, and this works to the same effect. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It should reflect what kind of services you provide. Company Name Instead, you need to choose a name that stands out from the crowd, sounds unique, and is instantly memorable. Does the name speak to the goals and values of your fictional business? Remember to try the Scientific Name Generator yourself and see what names you can find! I am working as a Sr. software Engineer with java Project. It may depend on whether you've published your name in some type of form that makes it easy to find or if the company were actively looking for you. According to the official Simpsons Wikipedia, the mission statement of Globex Corp is Evil Supervillain Front. Sounds about right. Acorn Advance Advance Bulletin Appeal Argus Banner Beacon Beaver Bee Breeze Brief Bugle Bulletin Call Camera Chronicle Citizen Constitution Courier Current Daily Daily Mirror Discovery Dispatch Eagle Echo The front company formed by The Godfathers Vito Corleone in the 1920s, named after consigliere Genco Abbandando and headquartered on Mott Street in Little Italy, grew to become the largest olive-oil importer in the U.S. If your company name is too generic, it could lead to your business sounding like a faceless corporation, which is no good for standing out in this highly competitive market. Initech underscores the dry humor and core values of Office Space; its a perfect poke fun at the futility of our sad, cubicle-bound and corporate-run existence. It is important to be realistic and only choose those names that actually fit well with the fictional niche. Students will have to consider all aspects of running a company with many potential employees. They influence governments to adopt favorable policies, and their blunders may have enduring implications for anybody dependent on the international market. I get 1 bowl of rice each day and only have to write 9000 lines of code perday. Choosing lengthy, intricate, and tricky fake company names is a common error made by individuals. (Spinoff Frasier enjoyed an eleven season run.)