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Within the . You spin it in one direction, it slows down, wobbles, and then starts spinning in the opposite direction! the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in The behavior of a spinning disk whose center is at rest can be described as follows. z {\displaystyle \omega =-\Omega \sin \alpha } F The sound team for the 2001 film Pearl Harbor used a spinning Euler's Disk as a sound effect for torpedoes. {\displaystyle a} Analysing the collision of an elastic body with a rough surface, Modeling friction with Non-Lipschitz ODEs - Pendulum example, Kinematics of a rolling disk on a static disk (variation of the Euler disk). New World Records on a Gaming Computer Couldn't they at least have named it \"Planet of short stature\" ?! This allows you to give the disc a harder initial spin, which tends to be more clumsy; the disc would go shooting off a flat table with such a hard spin, but the subtle bowl curve of the surface keeps it in the middle. Wind farms have different impacts on the environment compared to conventional power plants, but similar concerns exist over both the noise produced by the turbine blades and the . k {\displaystyle {\widehat {\mathbf {1} }}} These days it's sold online. is the acceleration due to Earth's gravity, Although experiments have been conducted to record the. Nature 404, 833834 (2000). I tried to acquire the signal by putting an accelerometer upon the surface (it's a bit difficult to put it on the disk directly without disturbing the disk itself). :). But the clean version was spinning for only 2 Minutes!I tried different types of grease and oils.I even tried Lithium grease with Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) !This is that type of grease that would make normal grease slip, fall to the floor and break its leg.Didn't work as good as human grease from Latheman666.Or should I say superhuman grease ?YES! is given by. Euler's Disk - Longest And Most Satisfying Spin Ever - YouTube The reason for this will be investigated. 1 / 10 best eulers disk for 2021 | Reviews Sky But it spins for some time and is good for me since it only took me five minutes to assemble. Indeed, the first precessions of the disk are clearly heard at not much more that 2 or 3 Hz (see the video). If you don't have a Euler's disk of your own, I recommend buying one. At the same time Imagine you have been respected for over 70 years as a true planet.