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When these ships come into our space time they become vulnerable to attack by certain weapon systems that DEEP STATE & the HIGH CABAL, Globalists, and others at this low level of energy intention can capture them. But they dont really use floors; they dont use chairstheyre just kind of there. Gaia uploaded this to my YouTube account, since I granted them access, and made it live earlier today: I am documenting what is happening to Emery because this is an incredibly brazen attack by the Deep State. After coming back from breakfast and checking on this with a single click, there was another repeating-digit pattern this time 555. Emery Smith likely has various facets of his accounts that are in fact very true indeed. From falsified documents, artificial beings, replicated spacecraft and fabricated viral videos, a web of deception has been spread across the world. As they begin to perceive more of the true nature of reality, pushing past denial and fear, they rise to support the collective human demands for full disclosure, DEMANDING to know the TRUTH, no matter how ugly it is. There are plenty of movies, television shows, video games and the like that have prepared us for the type of cosmic disclosure that Emery Smith is bringing to the table. The science proving this works is very well established, as I have written in The Source Field Investigations and covered in Wisdom Teachings. No one is stopping those 15 episodes from getting out. It is my sincere hope that everyone appreciates the fact that I still support Gaia, the work that I did there and the work that Gaia and I created. A lot of the craft are organic-material-consciousness technology, which means only the driver or that race can actually operate the vehicle, due to the frequency of the genetic DNA and the frequency that theyre emitting. During his professional life, Emery worked inside secret biological facilities deep under the New Mexico desert at Kirtland, AFB, NM where he was tasked with dissecting tissue samples taken from extraterrestrial bodies. Disinformation Tactics - Gaia I suppose the aliens got Stockholm syndrome and felt sorry we abused them. Thank you! 2 replies 0 retweets 5 likes. And there are a few that stuck out in my memories that stayed with me for a long time, and one of them was a visitation from some tall whites in a craft. Reed Smith has added two new lawyers to its Munich office, growing the international law firm's footprint in Germany and the Europe and Middle East (EME) regions. Secrets of the Living Moon: With John Lear, Emery Smith. Bear in mind that this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit.