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In order for students to be eligible to participate in Northeast High School Athletics, the student MUST be a registered student at Click here for: Athletic paperwork Athletic Director JOB GOAL: To organize, coordinate and promote a comprehensive program in Football that is designed to meet the needs and interests of the Dunedin High school community To provide effective leadership that will ensure a positive learning environment and will stress the importance of academic achievement, Associations. Visit the Career Advice Hub to see tips on interviewing and resume writing. An Athletic Director manages sports programs and departments at a university, college, high school, or middle school. In 2000, he was named Athletic Director of the Year by the Maryland State Athletic Directors Association. 727-469-4100. WebFilled out athletic form/student physical (included in Pinellas County participation form below), School insurance, Pinellas County Schools participation form (includes athletic Varsity Boys Football. Dunedin High School Letsgetstarted. Pinellas County Schools received dozens of submissions, but the school board on March 21 unanimously selected Pinellas High Innovation with its nod to history and focus on the future. But no white students were sent to the institution so beloved that its song began with: Dear old Pinellas High School, youre the world to me.. Growing up, Russell and classmates could get jobs cleaning rooms on Clearwater Beach but werent allowed on the sand. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. For meets where the divers meet on a different day, there usually is swim practice. Email. At 12 years old in 1964, alumna Barbara Sorey-Love remembers using the restroom at Brown Brothers Dairy Store on Cleveland Street. Injustice was served on us with the integration process because we didnt ask to get rid of our school, we just wanted equality and equity, said Isay Gulley, a 1965 graduate and former CEO of Clearwater Neighborhood Housing Services. Dive Practice is at the same times as Swim Practice. Dunedin (FL) High School Sports - Football, Basketball, Baseball