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For the Skills, Physical Recreation and Voluntary Service sections of the Award, you must undertake regular activity over a set period of time. Now operating in more than 140 countries, the DofE has helped to transform the lives of millions of young people in the United Kingdom and across the globe. Download a summary of what to include in your report, and some. Participant Resources - The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award If you would like to customise your choices, click 'Manage privacy settings'. List of action items for all Gold participants to complete their Award. Welcome to the Duke of Ed Participant resources page. National Assessor-Commencement-Guide. Its not acceptable to simply say 'He/she completed the section': assessors need to write several short paragraphs. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is a self-development program open to all young people between the ages of 14 and 25. The Award's objective is to develop young people's personal skills and to broaden their range of experiences. We use these cards when teaching emergency procedures to Duke of Edinburgh's Award (DofE) participants. Published by The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Foundation, 2019. Click here to access them. If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. This needs only be a few sentences explaining what you have been doing and . The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award - Landing page General Resources - please check below for State and Territory specific forms. Cristie loves the outdoors and watching her students challenge themselves. You can find your Award Leaders contact information by logging into your Online Record Book. Outline of activities, skills learnt and achievements? You will work with an Award Leader remotely. The Award program is often delivered by schools, universities, and other youth-serving organizations. Queenswood School is proud to offer the Bronze, Silver and Gold Award to pupils in Year 9 to Year 13. Does the report contain the young person's details (eg their name)? The flexible and inclusive framework means it can be completed by anyone. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is the world's leading youth achievement award, equipping young people for life. If you are unsure of who can be your assessor for an activity, your . Support our association in enabling as many young people as possible to participate in the Award. We ask for your email address and phone number to enable their DofE Leader to contact you should they wish to discuss your assessment with you and so we can send you a copy of the report you submit. Did the participants meet for the first time? Duke of Edinburgh's Award - Attleborough Academy This document outlines the protection policies and guidelines that all adults delivering the Award must adhere to. . These are the ten requirements for an Adventurous Journey. This resource helps participants reflect on whether an activity will meet the requirements of the section.