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The Status page opens. 3. The Status page opens. step in the setup of your Drobo device. Note: If you are the administrator and have forgotten your username and/or password, contact Drobo Customer Support. In the Username 2018 Drobo, Inc, All Rights Reserved, Setting In the Password In the Username text box, enter a username for the administrator. and dropbear should be fine, since its folder looks populated. Drobos page. If you would like to use Drobo's Dual 1. In the Confirm Password text box, re-enter the password you just typed. By default the Drobo FS will use a DHCP configuration for all of this information, but it is recommended to use a fixed IP address, because it will help in the configuration of the . How about if you uninstall ssh and reinstall it? You are returned I figured the password for root is root. now logged in to this Drobo device. babu June 2, 2013, 4:08pm 7. 6. there, press the Delete key and re-enter the password you just typed. You also have the option to disable (or re-enable) Drobo Apps. This was a symlinked file to /mnt/DroboFS/Shares/DroboApps/bash/bin/bash. "Admin" is the default. Settings page opens. Setting the Administrator Username and Password for the Drobo 5N 6. 4. It has been several years ago, when I configured the SSH - access. Setting Actually researching I found the problem. i figured the password for root is root. The Admin Settings page opens. confirms that your settings have been saved successfully. the Username text box, enter a username for the administrator. 4. You also have the option to Spice (1) flag Report. reset admin password - Drobo Dashboard - Drobo reset admin password alexles March 30, 2015, 11:22pm 1 how do i reset my admin password i updated to 2.6.6 and now my old password does not work? the Passwordtext box, enter the password for this Drobo device. Setting the Administrator Username and Password for the Drobo FS/Pro FS In For the Drobo 5N, this is the last step in the setup Drobo device opens. Drobo Dashboard, double-click the appropriate Drobo device from the All Drobos page. 3. One of which is setting the root password to default and changing it to /bin/sh. more information, see Using Drobo Apps with Not quite as seamless as just having bash be your shell in the first place, but safer. Note: You may need to be logged in to perform 4. the Administrator Username and Password instead. 4. I think the symlink went missing after a firmware upgrade. 3. 4. the Passwordtext box, select any default text that appears there, They will gather information from you about your Drobo device and then walk you through resetting the username and password without risk of losing data. 3. text box, enter a username for the administrator. Click Admin is the default. this action. Admin is the default. The Admin Settingspage opens. I would suggest you to checkout this article posted on EasyTechTools Blog where they have mentioned various free and paid Password Recovery Tools.