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The main biography of Buffett, , is also interesting. Ive written a few things about his work. Elite polarisation, Cicero & fishponds. I was not. Solving Mathematical Problems, Terence Tao. A great textbook by the worlds leading scholar on the subject. What is mathematics?, Courant. This shows the critical meta-lesson again: those in power have no interest in high performance. (Ive recently read some of the media commentary about 2019 that I ignored at the time and its amazing how many hacks thought I was trying to use vNs game theory. Kahneman bravely admitted hed ignored some of his own lessons in believing studies he shouldnt have believed. You often read versions of those really at the edge of this research do not predict fast timetables. And a very recent post, AGI Ruin, summarising the arguments on why artificial general intelligence is so dangerous and why controlling these dangers is so very hard. Its fascinating both for getting hard things done and how to reform science funding. Interesting on the psychology of selling and marketing. Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Sipser (2005 edition). Insider account of how the legendary Skunk Works worked by a guy who ran it. Los Alamos was crucial but it was part of a much vaster infrastructure of engineering projects, intelligence, planning and so on. ), genetics, expert judgement, finance and many other topics with the focus on how education policy has to cope in order to train problem solvers for the coming challenges. Lines and Curves, Vassiliev and Gutenmacher. I don't like to say it in front of my wife, but I did sort of neglect her sometimes; I needed to study. Two of the most important documents on the computer revolution by two of the critical figures in ARPA/PARC. He was a mathematician who got interested in how markets work. . A big problem for UK political discussion is people focus obsessively on the immediate interest of the London media rather than trying to think about, . , Polya. Pearl led a revolution in thinking about causation from inside the then tiny field of AI. The resignation of Dominic Raab - John Redwood's Diary , and let non-player characters stumble into a set of critical decisions in November? I started reading him around 1999 when I first got involved in politics. The story of Turing, von Neumann and the computer. , Dantzig (1930, updated 1953; new edition 2007). Keynes essay on Newton is great: , the core document of the rationalist movement. I found his Nobel lecture fascinating and I suspect it would be one of the most useful things to force politicians and senior officials to read. There's a big bad enemy out there, possibly with superior weaponry but. I know some of them. Remember that approxmitately no MPs and few in Congress are aware of these facts or ideas yet they speculate confidently about Putins thinking on nuclear weapons. In Pursuit of the Travelling Salesman, Cook. Review of the disintegration of the Tories in the context of Brexit, SW1 vs, perspectives on risks of Brexit/Remain, and, and save the trolley to Get Brexit Done despite our reservations. , Terence Tao. Nobel-winner, Feynman sparring partner, co-founder of Santa Fe Institute, wrote a book on complex systems for the general reader. Theres no question about this. His. ): how much was the. Likes. , John Allen Paulos (1988). , Slotkin. Predictions on AGI can be Straussian. I know some of them. Who is Dominic Cummings? But the storyteller makes this picture incredibly beautiful. Anybody who goes to Hollywood can see right away what the setup is Hollywood is Hollywood, theres nothing you can say about it that isnt true, good or bad. A widely praised new biography of John von Neumann, the man Einstein, Bohr, Dirac, Pauli et al thought was the smartest person they knew.