When A Leo Woman Stops Talking To You, Ciob Membership Check, Articles D

Her belly is red and looks irritated. However she still has low liver values, anemia, low TP. He is very active, and playful, with normal food and water intake.He licks his paws a lot, and he swims in the pool A LOT. My 3yr old German Shorthaired Pointer has been throwing up several mornings a week, yellow bile. Thanks for your response! but now he is shaking a lot when she is just laying down. our dog is fighting to breath,panting,he had rapid weight loss,gums are grayish ,very weak,falls if he gets in too big hurry.,just stares and pants. I have an otterhound and he is panting excessively and is prone to fits but he has been having problems with his back legs and has now got a large swelling on top side of his spine. Is she too young to have puppies? This has been going on for about a month. How can I assess this and prevent it from worsening as I live in a rural community in LAO PDR and don't have access to any veterinary surgeons till about December this year. I have a male 13 year old mix with restless leg syndrome? Dog vomit can appear clear, yellow, brown, or white and foamy. My 8-month old AmStaff is experiencing bleeding on his chest over the nipples. Any thoughts- my vet is stumped. Female dog nipples The dog is suddenly stopping from a walk and freak out on rubbing on the pavement or looking her genital. What should I do? She will let me touch and rub anywhere on the leg with no signs of pain at all. My dog sneezed and blood came out onto the pillow. Or, the dog might have swallowed mucus and fluid from the respiratory issue and be vomiting that up. A dog throwing up white foam often indicates digestive tract issues that can be simply treated. Possible reasons for dog swollen in the face? An intestinal blockage may cost up to $3000 for surgery and follow up treatment. This last litter of 10 puppies we had encountered 1 puppy with puppy strangles at the age of 5 weeks old. However, now his stomach has swollen up and hasn't gone down even after the shots. Had parvo 2 weeks ago but was successfully treated. What could be the problem? It is an internal growth and does not appear to be infected or to cause him pain. Legs appear strong (not broken or lame) but he cant maintain his balance or they just collapse. He drools in the morning. I does not seem to bother her.