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Sometime later, Vincent was recording his thoughts in a leather-bound journal sitting in the mausoleums of the Lafayette Cemetery when blood began to rain. Lucien Castle | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom He then runs to the cemetery knowing Ivy is in danger, but is too late as Ivy dies from poison and he holds her as she collapses. Once inside the little girl, the Hollow set the grimoire on fire, destroying it. When Marcel saw the book Vincent had been burning hours ago was still intact, Vincent cryptically told him to keep that book far away from him that if he tried to even take the book from Marcel, to kill him without question. Once at the Abattoir, Vincent fought with the Hollow, trapping her with a binding spell. Both Elijah and Vincent tried to extract information from the policeman, but without success. Immediately, Vincent blamed himself for his wife's death. Marcel was not very willing to let him do it since Vincent had told him to kill him in case he had asked Marcel to handle him the Hollow's grimoire, and now he was not sure that Vincent wasn't spellbound by it like he was in the past. Vincent incapacitates Marcel and frees Eva. He was abruptly brought back to reality and confronted some Hollow's acolytes who wanted the grimoire. He taunts the witch, asking her about her coven. Freya replied that she had already lost her brother Finn and by saying it, she made up a plan to save Elijah's soul: trapping it in her talisman like she did for Finn. Vincent inspires her, telling her she can change the world with the good of her heart and that the world is a much better place with her in it. He was wondering why they were always four different locations when he was interrupted by Elijah. When Tristan threatens to put Finn back in his body if he doesn't do as asked, he is left alarmed and terrified when Tristan walks away. Notice: This article uses information derived from Dahlia on The Vampire Diaries Wiki. 3 Hope Mikaelson. The two began arguing, and the Ancestors broke Elijah's neck, leaving Vincent with nothing but resorting to a last desperate attempt. Left alone, the Hollow said that all the years that Vincent had spent without practicing witchcraft for fear that the Hollow could return were worth nothing because she had come back anyway. The extent of his powers has often shocked the viewers, because he also has incredible mind-control powers and can compel people for lengthy periods of time. Vincent showed the boards to Elijah, revealing to him that until now, he believed that the Hollow was simply a spirit practicing a dangerous form of Dark Magic, desperately wanting to set foot on the living world. He generally wears leather jackets, hoodies, and casual attire, though when possessed by Finn Mikaelson, he dressed in Finn's fashion sense, with more aristocratic and high-class clothing such as button-down shirts and sweater-vests. Later at night while working on the parade floats, he talks to Ivy again and notices that she always manages to find light in darkness, lightly flirting with her. He confronted her and captured her. Klaus arrives and asks to speak with Cami in private as his therapist. Davina Might Come Back To Life On 'Originals' - Bustle When Ivy apologized to Vincent for having predicted something so terrible, he said it was not her fault.