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The personal story below has been posted on theRecord, our online magazine. Every applicant will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Walkden House I had to bend over backwards to get all the necessary paperwork together but the point is that if you have a record there is a chance of getting in. I do have a felony conviction for a weapons charge well over 10 years ago. In South Africa, I had to go through a rather lengthy process, including finger-printing, to get a police-verified document, despite being only 17 and having spent only summers there since the age of 6. This means that, if you renew or replace your passport (for whatever reason), you will have to re-apply for a visa. The UK has been issuing 'biometric' passports (also known as 'ePassports') since 2006. Because of our experience in processing these applications, we have a good idea of what a case officer will be looking for. Explore the countrys most comprehensive source of information and support for people with criminal convictions. Is this plug ok to install an AC condensor? If you wish to emigrate to Canada, you will need to provide apolice certificateas part of your application. Key Takeaways. Read the full. I was recently put in a police cell over night for drunk and disorderly behaviour (just arguing with bouncers and police very out of character but was my own drunken fault). Can I visit Australia with a UK criminal record? - Quora It does not mean that you cannot get a visa, but you will have to supply further information to enable authorities to verify your character. Expatriates Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people living abroad on a long-term basis. Cookies that allow us to collect anonymous data to help us improve the website. If you have criminal convictions, with a prison sentence totalling 12 months or more (whether served or suspended), you will fail the character requirements you cannot apply for an . Allegations are not disclosed on basic or standard DBS certificates. Security Minister James Brokenshire announced Monday that following a review of the policy of limiting data sharing via the so-called Prm system of law . The Australian authorities will take your criminal record into account when determining whether you are of good character and will have particular concerns if you have asubstantial criminal record. If youre coming from the U.S. into other countries, youll generally be given access, but be wary of possible rejection. It may be that you decide to withhold details of you criminal record and successfully travel to, or via, the US under the Visa Waiver Programme.