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Continue with Recommended Cookies, May 26, 2021 Drug Testing Teachers: Testing Positive or Negative? While the battle over drug testing in public schools continues, some private schools are bypassing the conflict to form their own drug testing policies. Miss. This type of testing is supposed to assist the hidden user as opposed to the apparent one. Under the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act, any employer that receives federal funding must operate a drug-free workplace or risk losing federal funding. The Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals ruling addressed a case involving an employee who sustained a work-related injury and subsequently tested positive for marijuana. Should Public School Students be Allowed to Pray Before Lunch? Reports will be held confidential to the fullest extent permitted by law. The cost of the drug test is the responsibility of the prospective employee. Both national and state laws provide strict regulations for employers and employees in work industries regarding drug testing. Nor should the police use their lights when approaching campus, unless it is an emergency. Select information from the drug test is reported to the school board. Such refusal by the employee may also be considered wilful or negligent misconduct under Arizona State law. 2000), explaining that the requirements set forth in section 382.101 et seq. Employees who operate under the fields of transportation, aviation, or those working on a contract basis with the Defence Department or NASA must submit to periodic drug testing. Do Expulsion and Suspension Work in Public Schools? A bill calling for drug testing of prospective teachers and school employees in Pennsylvania has passed in the state House. Due to this important role, they have a strong influence on students behavior and performance. The detection process involves an initial screening test followed by a confirmatory test if the primary results are positive. A standard drug test can detect the most common drugs such as AMP & MAMP, THC (cannabinoids, hash), OPI, MDMA, COC, and PCP.