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Other foods to avoid include onions, garlic, scallions, chives, grapes, citrus fruits, and avocados. Because raccoons are omnivores, they have a diverse diet. Whenever you find raccoon tracks, you can be sure theres a food source nearby, so ask yourself: Make some notes about what raccoons are eating in your area, and youll be on your way to knowing this highly intelligent animal much more intimately! The exact diet of a raccoon is sometimes hard to pin down because they eat different things in different environments and times of year. What do Raccoons Eat? - Birds & Wild They've been a food item much longer than they have not, but even when they were common table fare, they were a food associated with subsistence, poverty, and lack of opportunity. The truth behind this phenomenon is yet to be known. She is extremely friendly, but unfortunately has trouble with her hips and right leg so she mostly crawls. Clams, snails, small fish, crayfish, and frogs all make up a large part of their diet, and they will actively seek out small rivers and ponds to find these. Put it in nooks and crannies in trees, etc. By providing your mobile number, you agree to receive autodialed, recurring text messages from the HSUS with updates and ways you can help animals. Do deer eat asparagus? THEY CAN SPREAD DISEASES. So what do raccoons eat? I feed a couple of raccoons in my yard. This includes both plant and animal matter, which you can find in garbage cans. Its spread out across different parts of the landscape. So, what do raccoons eat? Essentially if its available to them, a raccoon is probably going to eat it so their diet isnt very tough to predict. Raccoons living close to humans may even be raiding bird feeders for seeds! Most of these include junk foods. Insects are also a good source of nutrients and are often easily accessible. Grains and corn are much easier to get outside the town on farmlands. This is not a behavior you should encourage. In addition, they may lead to strokes and liver failure, which may lead to death. A Complete Diet Guide 2022. Sodas and artificial drinks contain complex sugars that destabilize their hormonal and digestive system. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. These tasty crustaceans are an essential part of the raccoons diet, especially in the spring and summer when other foods are less plentiful. This post helps me piece together the places I see tracks mostly near streams! By keeping these items out of reach, you can help deter raccoons from coming onto your property in the first place. However, they are only known to hunt when the opportunity arises and mix their diets with fruits, nuts, and berries. They enjoy munching on asparagus stalks and leaves alike. Change their water regularly and feed them in an area that is easy to tidy up. To roast asparagus: Transfer asparagus to a baking sheet and toss to. They are found in various habitats and live in forests, woodlands, marshes, prairies, forests, urban and suburban areas. How do you keep them from getting under your roof? While its true that these animals are attracted to trash, theres a reason behind their behavior. Like us, mice enjoy the taste of asparagus. What people should not do is feed them junk foods. If youre thinking of getting a raccoon as a pet, you should first know a few things about their diet. If you want to know more about where raccoons live, I have written an article. As you can see, there is really no set diet when it comes to raccoons. Whenever youre ready here are 4 ways I can help you connect deeply with nature in your local environment: I always recommend new visitors start by watching my free training video How To Read The Secrets of A Forest.