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Feeling Dizzy, Shaky and Weak After Eating - Health and Welfare Have gotten multiple Lone Star tick bites. Standing quickly after sitting down for an extended period can reduce blood pressure resulting in dizziness. Dr. Bobbi Pritt: That's why you want to stay away from the tall grasses. There are two types of vertigo peripheral and central, depending on the cause, according to NHS Inform. The term vertigo comes from the Latin phrase verto , which means to revolve.Vertigo is a vestibular disorder that occurs in your inner ear. information submitted for this request. Symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps and indigestion could be caused by anything from food poisoning to a new allergy or food intolerance. Hence, you should avoid caffeine. MS is usually caused by the growth of a lesion on the brainstem or cerebellum, the area in the brain that controls balance, according to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. Eckert-Norton M, et al. Minor episodes of dizziness usually resolve on their own and do not require a trip to the emergency room. Some people with conditions like vertigo or Menieres disease may also find their dizziness gets worse after eating certain foods. PLUS, the latest news on medical advances and breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School experts. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Get emergency medical treatment if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction that causes trouble breathing, called anaphylaxis, such as: There is a problem with Feeling dizzy after eating is often related to an underlying condition such as high blood pressure or prediabetes. Migraine diet triggers: Controlling migraine associated dizziness with diet. People with diabetes who experience post-meal dizziness may need to adjust their medication or their eating schedule. I Feel Dizzy After Eating Greasy Food - Health Recovery Tips This can trigger vertigo and dizziness. Dumping-Syndrome - About GI Motility Dizziness or lightheadedness. Stomach cramps after eating pork. According to the American Stroke Association, symptoms of a stroke may be vertigo, with dizziness and severe imbalance occurring together. 2016;116:179. All these foods can trigger vertigo. Neuro Equilibrium: Heres a Diet to Help You With Your Vertigo! Read on more about dizziness after eating, the causes, and the treatments. Watch out for medications that contain caffeine. (n.d.). Mnire disease - self-care. Management of food allergy: Avoidance. Use bug spray too. Any condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis, or acid reflux, can lead to dizziness after a meal. And they will climb up the nearest object, like this blade of grass here. In others, it comes on after a stroke, accident, or other trauma damages key nerves or blood pressure sensors.