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The Buddha gave Men and Women equal rights and a major part in the Sangha. Using this Guidance Page, recap each religionks main beliefs and their worship and use this information to compare the three - looking at how they are similar and how they are different. Electronic Inspiration LLC. Even though there are many gods in Hinduism, they are believed to all come from Brahman, the universal soul. They leave offerings of food and incense, and many build shrines in their own homes as well as worshiping in a temple. The concept of enlightenment is similar in the two religions, but they differ on the path towards achieving it. Cross, ichthys ("Jesus fish"), Mary and baby Jesus. Hinduism and Buddhism are the major religions of India, and have spread across much of Asia. Another difference would be that Christians believe in the Holy Trinity, the belief that God is three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Buddha is often portrayed using these hand gestures in statues or paintings.Mudrais commonly practiced in both Hinduism and Buddhism but the positions, meanings, and uses are different. < >, thank you ! Christians believe Jesus is the fulfillment of messianic prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, while Muslims believe that Muhammed is God's final prophet and bearer of the ultimate word of truth. Latest answer posted August 04, 2019 at 7:08:27 AM. Select a Religion Explore destinations at your own Allah is just and merciful, but will also judge everyone on the day of judgment. A few of the most important include . Traditional African religion and other religions - Wikipedia Hindus believe that all religions are different paths up the same mountain, and even within Hinduism, they believe that different people are born to pursue different paths. The followers of Vedas are called as Arya, noble person. If you read this far, you should follow us: "Buddhism vs Hinduism." To attain enlightenment and be released from the cycle of rebirth and death, thus attaining Nirvana. Hindu relations with Islam and Christianity are in some ways quite different from the ties and tensions that bind together religions of Indian origin. Jesus death and rebirth were celebrating in Easter. Allah is just and merciful, but will also judge everyone on the day of judgment. Since the word Dharma means doctrine, law, way, teaching, or discipline, other Dharmas are rejected. To the person below: YES, Buddhism is polytheistic. Invalid parameters supplied for Amazon widget. Three weeks encompassing Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos. Remember you can not do it all and see everything in 3 weeks. In the Buddhist texts, it is seen that when Gautama, after his awakening, was asked whether he was a normal human being, he replied, "No". Christianity and Hinduism Muslim males and females do not pray together (due to modesty) while Christians do not have such rules. Contact us for a tailor-made tour to help you plan a memorable journey across this enchanting country. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Festivals have banquets, ceremonies, and ritual activities. By knowing right and wrong Christians choose their actions. Hinduism - the most ancient national religion of India. Marriage with a different caste was highly discouraged throughout India and although older generations still may not approve, today, many young people participate in intercaste relationships and marriages. Monks and nuns do not marry and are celibate. Islam began in the 7th century in Arabia, making it the youngest of the three. Hindu worship began with prayer image or icon. Common. Still he didnt find his answer. Over the last 5 years we've used Asia highlights twice. Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs.