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Diane Ayres. He enlisted in the United States Army on May 18, 1942. He was cast to play oppositeGreta GarboinThe Kiss (1929) , but it was his leading role in the original version of All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) that made him a star, secured him a contract with Universaland made him a conscientious objector to World War II. The U.S. military confirmed that they would place him as a medic and in April 1942, his status was changed. When 2 or more people share their unique perspectives, Add an Affair, Check out our New "Top 10 Worst Celebrity Cheaters", Go To Diana Hall's ProfileGo To Lew Ayres' Profile, "Since Dean has Jack, now Liam. Note: This profile was written in or before 2004. The film's dialogue director, George Cukor, shot a test of Ayres (along with other hopefuls) and Milestone saw it on the day that United Artists (who had Fairbanks under contract) informed him that they would not loan their star. Two early marriages were unsuccessful - to Lola Lane (1931-33) and Ginger Rogers (1933-40) - but in 1964 he married an Englishwoman, Diana Hall, and the day before his 60th birthday she gave. How I do this I'd be hard-pressed to say, but when you do achieve it, when you are totally credible, the audience can forget itself and live through you on the screen. At this time, he was loaned from Paramount to play the role of Ned in Holiday (1938). He made a number of mostly forgotten B movies for Universal, with the exception of Iron Man (1931), with Jean Harlow. [2] References [ edit] ^ Founten, Lukas (22 October 2014). She was born in New York City and lived in many states and. The role earned him considerable critical attention, including interest from MGM to put him under contract specifically for the role of Dr. James Kildare in an upcoming film series. Diana B Ayers - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages