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Family Matters is often compared to its TGIF counterpart, Full House, but the two 90s shows are quite different. ``(Fate . steveurkel / Family matters season 10 - PBworks He later auditioned for the role of Rudy Huxtable on The Cosby Show. [19][20] He reprised the role of Urkel in a skit with Snoop Dogg to promote the strain. White was the original English voice of the popular video game character Sonic the Hedgehog, having been cast in 1993 (pre-dating Martin Burke and Ryan Drummond). Lets dive into the twisted story line and ethical issues the complicated character of Stefan Urquelle brought to Family Matters. Stefan is impressed to meet his creator Steve face to face for the first time, as the latter is also impressed to meet his counterpart. Urkel also has an adept sense of lawbreaking that involves peer pressure. Strangely, Steves invention brings about a character that tries to erase Steve Urkels character: Stefan Urquelle. ", Following the cancellation of "Family Matters" in 1997, friends claim White became obsessed with the character, and grew despondent, despite further successes as star and producer of the UPN sitcom "Grownups", and as a writer for In that moment, he realizes Laura is right and thinks there is no solution to the problem in how to handle the clone. Rock stardom doesn't shelter you from reality. He shares in the preview, "I was as caught off guard by the phenomenon of Stefan as anyoneall of America thought I was this way." Later, the actor opens up about his late co-star Michelle. Steve seems to regain his moral values by standing up for himself until Stefans character slinks back onto Family Matters. Relaxing can include smoking some pot to calm the nerves. Born Jaleel Ahmad White, he began his career at the age of three acting in television commercials, before landing guest spots on shows such as "The Jeffersons" and "Mr. He asks to stay and tells the real Steve to go be Stefan instead, which the real Steve declines and strictly tells the Clone Steve to get in the chamber at once then Laura sets the Chamber on. Jaleel White Breaks Down Over Death of Family Matters Co-Star in document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jaleel White can thank Steve Urkels alter ego for an uptick in his romantic life. In turn, Steve transforms into another version of himself in the same body, self-dubbed Stefan Urquelle.. When asked if he would ever reprise the Steve Urkel role, White said, "I'll always say never say never; I'm a pretty creative person. In the Season 6 two part episode: To Be or Not To Be, Steve was stuck as Stefan for a while, after Carl was accidentally transformed into Carl Urkel, due to Myra's tampering with the transformation chamber to sabotage it and preventing Stefan. Jaleel White Death Hoax | A still shocked Jaleel wrestled with the information, before finally accepting it. He moved on with his life after he learned from his mistake in the episode "Crazy for You (Part 1)" when he teamed up with Myra to stop their date. mesurer votre utilisation de nos sites et applications. First appearance: Family Matters (TV Series 1989-1998) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Si vous souhaitez personnaliser vos choix, cliquez sur Grer les paramtres de confidentialit.