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(or 3 cups plain/all purpose flour and 1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder). Yuk. Sour Cream and Chive Damper (Australian Bread), Beef, Black Beans and Rice Noodles With Oyster Sauce. Stir in the milk to form a dough. Damper bread is a traditional Australian bread, made for baking over a campfire! Then add two cups of water and mix that through until it becomes a thick dough. Bake on bottom shelf of oven for 25 minutes or until a rich golden colour. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; You can also cook crumpet-sizes pieces on a skillet on the fire, or wrap in tin foil and cook in the embers. Get the best quality gluten-free flour you can and use it while its fresh. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Based on an original recipe used by Aussie bushmen and early settlers in the 1800s and another Damper recipe promoted during the bread shortages of 1943, this yeast-free bread is just as tasty and comforting today. After 40 minutes or so you should have a perfectly cooked damper. - Two cups of self-raising flour. If you are baking a sourdough loaf in a 12 inch Dutch Oven, use about 10 coals on the bottom and 12-14 coals on the top. Add in 1/2 cup of water, pulsing until your mixture comes together. Add it a little at a time, stirring as you go. Lol, that's true! Flour your hands and shape the dough into a ball. Add a smear or drizzle of golden syrup to buttered damper bread. Add salt, oil remaining water and 6 cups of flour. The ashes were brushed off before eating. Delicious Damper Bread with cheese, chives and bacon Try to find a stick that is still green. Cuisine: Australian. If you dont have milk, or enough milk, you can substitute with water. In bowl, mix all ingredients. We may earn a commission for purchases made through our links. You wont beat this easy 3-ingredient Aussie Damper Recipe. Remove the cans from the coals and take the smaller inner can out of the larger can. Eventually it will get too difficult to mix using the spoon and youll have to get your hands in there! If the dough is sticky or wet; it will drop off the stick when being cooked. Place back on coals if additional cooking time is required. Knead the dough until it looks and feels like dough. Clear an area and use rocks to build a fire pit. While the dough for this recipe is traditionally buried in the coals of a smoldering fire, Iskov suggests laying it straight on top. init: function(id) { We've received your email address, and soon you will start getting exclusive offers and news from Wine Enthusiast. Serve warm with some butter and Cockys Joy (golden syrup). When the bread is golden brown on top, take it out of the Dutch oven and cool slightly before slicing. Pop-up campers are a great way to camp if you are looking for a near-authentic camping experience. Add the butter and use your fingers to rub the butter into the flour. You can add any spice to it you like. Once golden brown and hollow, allow 5 minutes resting before cutting up and serving. I would love to hear from you, leave me a comment below and give me a rating. If youre cooking at home, pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees celsius (fan-forced) and place damper on the bottom shelf. Add shortening and work it into the dry ingredients until you get an even meal consistency. I love being with my friends and family, tramping, acting, and having fun. If mixture feels too sticky, add a little extra flour. Easy Lebanese Vermicelli Soup with Vegetables, Vegan Pumpkin and Carrot Soup With Ginger, *Shop for your healthy organic groceries at, Savory Zucchini Muffins (Vegan and Gluten Free), Easy Vegetable Curry Puffs With Puff Pastry, Fattoush Salad (My Family's Recipe - ), Rice Cake with Peanut Butter and Chocolate, Best Vegan Salad Dressing Recipes To Elevate Your Salad Game, Vegan Iftar Recipes (32 Ramadan Food Ideas).