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I got one picture of the whole event. went to the 77 crater festival w/ journey, styx, elvin bishop, flash cadillac and a lot of weed smokin locals! I used to put posters up for Moffatt, Rosene, and JFL too. When we left, it was usually the last group playing. I remember your band you all were very good. Sorry, didnt mean to hijack the thread. On one stage there was Styx, and the other Journey, the two lead guitarist was going back and forth challenging each other who can pick the best riffs on the guitars. (When Journey performed in 1977 it was with then-lead singer Robert Fleischman, pre-Steve Perry. Was at the 71 festival, at least I think I was there (haha). JOURNEYJuly 04, 1977 (Monday)Diamond Head Crater Festival,Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.01. KKUA 1975 ORIG DIAMOND HEAD CRATER SUNSHINE FESTIVAL CELEBRATION POSTER. I was working for Mahogany Rush and I was there in 75 I think. "We had a lot of music come in -- the performers with the lyrics that were influencing the generations: Grateful Dead, Byrds, the Rolling Stones came three times, just about everybody -- except the Beatles," Moffatt said. Great memories. Especially looking for the thin paper poster of Janis Joplin in July 1970. Mahalo Nui Loa! Even back then I thought it was quite funny how Hawaii wannabes acted as though they were at Woodstock LOL. I remember being up all night getting ready and then, just as we thought we could get some sleep, Bob Cozar cranked up the sound on the main stage, playing Here Comes the Sun. The rest of my memories are pretty faint do to time and the fact that I was toasted most of New Years Eve and all day of the concert. At 14 yrs old I and my friends got our first job from the State summer employment at the Honolulu Zoo. Saw Santana play and ill never forget it. Please send them to soulo001@outlook.com And all the dance clubs along Waikiki. MAD Music was his dream. But, had to leave, be responsible and go to work ( Bobbie McGees, remember it?) I have pix too! Prior to the 1st Fest we did a much smaller event at Kapiolani Park were we gave away free bananas and a surf board. I remember meeting you at one of them, I remember you Bruce The worse thing was the porta potties. You might want to check with the Honolulu Star Advertiser. Cheech Marin said, Oh look, hes giving the audience a blow job!. There was no entrance fee, craft makers were free to set up shop, no cars were allowed in the crater, and all the food sold had to be vegetarian. I was only 11 at that one, but I went to every one after that. (restroom etc.) If I recall correctly..it was day 2 when Sly flew into the crater via copter as I was thereCheech & Chong were hilarious..Tower of Power..looked like a military base and yet all were gettin high..wanna take you higher Sly..My GF lived right on Diamond Head so it was a nice walk to the Crater and I loved itmemories~1976 january..3 days of the condor movie was out and I was diggin on Dave Grusin.)).