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4 0 obj The testing of newborns is also a controversial issue in all states. If a relative placement is not possible, DHHR looks for someone who is not a relative but has a bond with the child. No police officer or CPS worker can come into your home without your permission UNLESS they have a warrant. (a) (1) Temporary care, custody, and control upon filing of the petition. 09-2022 So think before letting a CPS worker into your home without a warrant. In determining the appropriateness of granting visitation rights to the person seeking visitation, the court shall consider whether or not the granting of visitation would interfere with the child's case plan and the overall effect granting or denying visitation will have on the child's best interests. In any case governed by these rules in which a child eleven (11) years old or less is to be a witness, the court, upon order of its own or upon motion of a party, may permit the child witness to testify through live, one-way, closed-circuit television whereby there shall be no transmission into the room from which the child witness is testifying. If you provide medical attention but choose not to give your child a non-essential medication, this would not be considered child neglect. Serving Elkins, Parsons, Davis, Philippi, Belington, Buckhannon, Weston, Clarksburg, Fairmont, Morgantown, Martinsburg, & All of West Virginia, 2021 All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy. The initial order also appoints lawyers for the child and the parents. CPS can take your child away and terminate your rights as a parent. You have the right to appeal the exclusion or inclusion of yourself, a parent, or a child from any service program. PDF Timeline Regarding the Removal of a Child by CPS - TYLA You can also inform CPS that you will speak to them when you have contacted your lawyer and your lawyer is present. decisions regarding child removal, family support services, family reunification, or termination of parental rights. Children and Families, Locate Local Coordinating Agencies for Children and Family Services, Locate WV Agencies for Early Childhood Services, View/Print Child and Family Services 5yr Plan, View Strategic Plan: Reduction of Dependence on Out-of-State Placement of Youth, Early Care and Education