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So, you have to buy another pair of glasses to have a clear vision for indoor activities. For your left eye, you would take -2.75 and add it to 1.50, equalling -1.25. OD +0.75 ADD +2.25 They're designed to help you maximize fitting effectiveness, patient care and practice efficiency. It is possible to end up with a negative number in the Distance power. first. Converting the glasses prescription to a contacts prescription is only going to determine the power, but that wont determine the base curve and diamter of lens that you have been fitted with. Here's what the Latin abbreviations on the example prescription mean: In addition to terms and abbreviations, eyeglasses prescriptions also include a lot of numbers. is the fastest growing online company selling cheap yet high quality prescription eyeglasses and progressive sunglasses, Photochromic glasses and polarized sunglasses. Once you are more confident, however, feel free to try the conversion on yourself. Read our, The Best Places to Buy Glasses Online in 2022. They can correct for nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. Your email address will not be published. Nearsightedness vs. Farsightedness: What Are the Differences? A typical prescription would look like this: OD: -1.50 0.25 x 165 To try to make it work, start with the number for your dominant eye, and try every step between that number and the number of your non-dominant eye and look for the one that provides the best visual comfort. Hey, if you have any ideas to make this calculator better, please let us know! Will Discount Reading Glasses Harm Your Eyes? Read on to learn more about how to convert your prescription glasses to bifocals without having to buy a new pair. How to Read Your Glasses Prescription - Verywell Health Add the reading prescription power to the left distance power and keep the Cylinder and Axis the same. Also Check: Fresco Double Wall Insulated Glasses, New customers can use the code A13C55L9 during checkout and save 20% on their order. ), AIR OPTIX plus HYDRAGLYDE for Astigmatism, Bausch + Lomb ULTRA Multifocal for Astigmatism. Already have an account? Familiarize yourself with optical prescription protocol and terms. This can be for long distances correction, for close-up reading, or for mid-range sight correction, such as for computer use. Sphere power is the main strength of your eyeglass prescription, and it is written in increments of 0.25. Because of this, it doesnt hurt to have a calculator when you are doing this conversion. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The beginning of the reading prescription is now +3.00. Is it OK to switch back and forth between progressive and regular pairs But there is a problem here: how can we convert our eyeglasses prescription and fill out them online? How Important Are Prescription Lab Goggles. To illustrate this process, it is helpful to provide some examples. If your prescription does not include a PD, please leave it at 62 for single vision & progressives. But having said that, it is always helpful to know how you can accurately complete this conversion process. To find the right reading glasses, add the sphere number to the ADD number.