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Cranking Compression Calculator For the IVC (Intake Valve Closing) data, the seat to seat timing of the cam is used. You're talking dynamic compression, I am talking static compression. Correct the pressure for the specific heat effect factor. The higher this ratio, the greater will be the power output from a given engine. A leak down test can help diagnose the guilty party. Looks like I have alot to research. Will have the same quench at .035, but C/R will be 12.4 to 1. and lift. It depends more on the cam than anything else-. It looks like the pressures are too low. Good results for Four-Strokes should be 180-210 PSI, and Two-Strokes should be around 110-130 PSI. Unless I can turn those rpms. You should start to worry if one of your cylinders is getting close to 100 psi. Multiplying the low-speed effective compression ratio of 7.32:1 x 14.7 would yield a compression pressure of 108.84 It's my understanding that they should all be within 10 psi of each other so in that regards I'm good. Just multiply your ratio by 14.7 to get PSI, or divide PSI by 14.7 Like DCR calculations, cranking compression in psi gives us a number that represents the mechanical static compression ratio less the intake closing point of the cam. If I was to do it again I would choose the 72cc heads and have a camshaft ground to the motor. We're looking at the first of these ways here. This can reduce efficiency or damage the engine if knock sensors are not present to modify the ignition timing. Is Clostridium difficile Gram-positive or negative? Two-Stroke engines should have a compression reading of around 110-130 PSI. google_ad_type = "text_image"; actual pressure will be affected by compressive heating. 14.7 PSI is equal to a 2:1 ratio. Compression ratio different pressures, for example. You can't convert a RATIO (which is a pure number) to a modified Mass-flo EFI/reprogrammed A9L/CnC ported Victor. Graduated from ENSAT (national agronomic school of Toulouse) in plant sciences in 2018, I pursued a CIFRE doctorate under contract with SunAgri and INRAE in Avignon between 2019 and 2022. The dynamic compression depends mostly on the strength of the return baffle wave from the expansion chamber. Producing More Engine Power. Small Block, 708 HP plus nitrous. Also Engine should be between 140 F to 180 F temperature for Tests Compression Ratio (CR) Calculator | Good Calculators Or bored over or the exact timing of the cam to ensure its advanced 4*. That's exactly the kinda answer I was looking for 427stang! Your bike's engine has a compression ratio of 9:4:1 here is a guide frm compression ratio to psi :- 8>1 = 102.9 psi 8.5>1= 102.9 - 110.25 psi 9>1= 110.25 - 117.6 psi 9.5>1= 117.6 - 124.95 psi Just complete Taking compression test:- the bike's engine should be at normal running temperature and also tht the throttle should be in fully open position. Also how fast you spin the engine can effect how much air is trapped to compress. Wallace Racing: Dynamic Compression Ratio Calculator The days of overcammed, deep quench distance and unturbulent chambers is hopefully gone. Given Atmospheric Pressure at sea level = 14.7 psi, we have the following: You have pretty stiff static compression and a pretty healty cam. cold. We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests. In general, 215 psi is 10.0 to 10.5 with a stock cam. Ill see what options I have for the distributor I have. 150 psi is considered a good compression.