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Throughout history, biblical passages have been used to justify the use of force against heretics,[88] sinners[89] and external enemies. Church of the Great God (CGG) is ran by John Ritenbaugh. They argue that this doctrine is an invention, distortion of the idea about God, and presentation of the idea that there are three gods, a form of shirk, or polytheism. [citation needed]. The New Testament was ignored except in reminding that Jesus never condemned slavery and the Epistle to Philemon in which a runaway slave was returned to his owner. The Seven Churches of Revelation - Bible Meaning Explained The opposing view is that there is too much corruption, or translation too difficult, to agree with modern texts. Slavery, genocide, supersessionism, the death penalty, violence, patriarchy, sexual intolerance, colonialism, and the problem of evil and a good God, are examples of criticisms of ethics in the Bible. [60] Full adherents to reconstructionism are few and marginalized among conservative Christians. His tireless service to the Church through the years had taken a heavy toll on his health. However, it is a very long time since these attitudes have been held by historians of science." In Letter to a Christian Nation, critic of religion Sam Harris writes that "faith inspires violence in at least two ways. It is one of the eight days of , Isaiah writes of a wonderful future coming in the years just ahead of us: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war , Throughout a normal day, we are constantly reminded just how little we can trust what we hear or read. Founded by ex-Scientologists turned Satanists, the Foundation Faith of God and its members awaited the end of the world but when it didn't come, the group decided to rescue animals instead. Thurston, Herbert. Jay Ledbetter is a pastor serving the United Church of God congregations in Knoxville and Kingsport (Tennessee), London .