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Advance your career through high-quality video-based training, exam prep, and continuing education content. Developed in collaboration with the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) and Medscape Education. One successful student was Gertrudis, who graduated in 2019 with a Health and Medical Administrative Services Associate's Degree. Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: None, Students will explain production of x-rays in the tube (Bremsstrahlung vs. 2023 College of Health Care Professions. Our online Associate of Applied Science Degree in Radiologic Technology trains you for an exciting new career as a radiologic technologist. The result of Roentgens experiments resulted in the discovery of X-rays on November 8, 1895. The only thing you have to do is take that first step towards a better life and a better career and they will be right beside you the whole way. Topics include administrative law, professional malpractice, patient rights, risk management, labor law, contract law, and ethical considerations. Im 4 month into my program and I could not be happier. You will have the opportunity to take several practice exams during the comprehensive review class to help build your confidence in preparation for the state certification exam. ", "Worst school ever. Founded 25 years ago by physicians in the Texas . To learn more, visit ourCareer Servicespage. Prerequisite: None, This course is a study of fluoroscopy, how to employ it safely through a thorough understanding of the equipment, regulations, quality control, and safety guidelines. She would go above and beyond for each and everyone of us. Once the images are analyzed, they are sent to other medical personnel for diagnosis. Prerequisite: Modules Orange, Blue, This course provides students the opportunity to review for the Texas Limited Examination in Medical Radiologic Technology so they may procure a permanent Texas LMRT license. This activity is intended for neurologists, primary care physicians, obstetrician/gynecologists, physician assistants, nurse Prerequisite: None, This is a course in the principles of effective writing. ", "I love what CHCP FORT WORTH has done for me. Prerequisite: None. Consumer Information CPR certification. Characteristic), distinguish between density and contrast and the factors that control them. (CHCP) 7322 SW Freeway, Suite 110 . NCCC Radiologic Technology Program - Facebook Events Calendar of Events CAAHEP Symposium Commissioner Business Meeting CAAHEP.