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Select Language and Region. Changing the setting is pretty simple as long as you are a SharePoint administrator. Im not sure when this actually showed up, but its an ask from me which goes back almost four years on UserVoice. In the US, and on Targeted Release. Is it possible to set Time zone to UTC+1 for all the Tenant MS365 ? Is there a way to sync the time in the admin center? Under Region and time zones settings, select the language, date and time formats, and the time zone you want to use. However, the Microsoft 365 language setting overrides the setting in Outlook on the web if they're different. How to change default timezone in Office365/Exchange When newly created user accounts in our Office365 create and accept meeting invites without timezone set, calendar assumes it is in the GMT/UTC timezone. Also, please note that here we mainly focus on Office client related question and feedback, there is not so much about Office 365 management aspect. Change your personal language and region settings. Learn how your comment data is processed. Click on the waffle, and choose Admin. (If you don't see Site settings, select Site information and then select View all site settings. Multiple mailboxes in Microsoft 365 may have incorrect or missing time zone settings. The time is incorrect by 12hrs. Are we using it like we use the word cloud? More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. How to change default timezone in Office365/Exchange You can control some of the user profile settings (regional configuration), but that will not affect "system" settings such as the timezone used in log files and such. You also set a display language when you sign in to Outlook on the webfor the first time. On This Day May 1st May Day CelebrationsToday traditionally marked the beginning of summer, being about midway between the spring and summer solstices. Go to Office 365 Admin Center 2. In the left navigation pane, click Settings, and then click Regional. How to change activities time zone available in office 365 admin Also, some pages might require you to select Site contents, and then Site settings .) It took Microsoft much of the day to clear up that issue. If you have configured Multi-factor authentication for Office 365 admin login, you must enter a confirmation code before you continue. The services affected reportedly include Teams, SharePoint Online, and Outlook. That sets the TIMEZONE but not the LOCALE. 2. Choose the account you want to sign in with. Keep an eye out for it! Find which version your organization's servers are running and then determine which client programs your users are running. It's unclear how far reaching the outage is. All rights reserved 19982023, First came Slack then others joined the scrum to tackle the Beast of Redmond, Paris-based europe-west9-a zone still MIA. If you want, make changes to the time zone and time displays as well. My thoughts exactly. Click on setting cogwheel. I have a situation that I need some guidance on. For more information, see How to configure daylight saving time for Microsoft Windows operating systems. Proposed as answer by C-M Tuesday, June 28, 2016 2:04 PM How to change Time Zone of O365 Admin centre from UTC to UTC All replies 0 Sign in to vote Sign in to Outlook Web App, click Settings ( ), and then click Options. Even if you need to change the time zone settings for some of the sites, its better than all of them!