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All casual, walked up to him and asked if hed locked his keys in his car. PERIOD Of course, you are totally within your rights to be prepared to defend lives, but not to act unless there is an overt act threatening a life. Can You Shoot Someone Breaking Into Your Car in Georgia? I dont think people in SC can use a firearm to protect a vehicle from being stolen unless they are in it but Id like to hear what others from SC say. It is non-lethal usually and they cant run off very easily without leaving an easy to follow blood trail. Unless the act of brandishing the firearm dissuades the aggressor from his actions, then when you decide to fire you are doing so because you have no decided that deadly force is required. I felt that I was truly valued as a person and not a number. What are the consequences of shooting someone whos stealing your car? However, if your boyfriend doesn't file a police report . I guess thats going to depend on the situation, but I sure as hell am not going to just stand there (in Texas anyway) and watch them saunter off with the items they stole after breaking into my home. This was West Virginia. If you walk in on an intruder who is exiting your back door carrying your big screen TV, you can shoot him in the back. Woman who shot & killed car thief did not have right to shoot, legal experts say, Former ND players sign as NFL undrafted free agents, receive minicamp invites, Kroc Center seeking young artists for community mural summer camp, Benton Harbor man convicted of murdering girlfriend wont get new trial, South Shore Line to temporarily bus passengers between South Bend, Gary Metro stations. What Is a Disposition Hearing in Criminal Court in Los Angeles? property burglary is not justifiable course for use of deadly force.. If Someone is Stealing my Car Can I Shoot Them in Florida? No I dont want him inside! Los Angeles > Criminal Defense Blog > Can I Shoot Someone in California Who Is Trying to Steal My Car? April 28, 2023 / 10:00 AM / CBS/AP. these comments illustrate the need 2023 MasterCard Fully Funded African Scholarship at University of California, Berkeley, 2023 The Bartlett Promise Sub-Saharan Africa Scholarship at University College London UK, 2023 MasterCard African Scholarships at University of California, Berkeley, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. There have been cases where for example people cut the charging cable from EV charging stations for the copper value in them. In Florida, there is no duty to retreat before using deadly force. You might be willing to be the test case, but I imagine most gun owners with family and a livelihood to worry about would prefer otherwise. But the legality of pulling the trigger depends on so many circumstances that dialing 911 may be a safer bet. I mean, you can run outside and again confront the person and probably just use the same means that they used to take the vehicle. In most jurisdictions the use of deadly force is only justified if the person trying to steal your car presents a threat to your life or the lives of others. Where can you shoot someone whos stealing your car? California law makes it clear that you do not have a duty to retreat before using deadly force when another person threatens you with imminent danger particularly in your own home. 215 N. Main Street, STE 101 West Bend, WI 53095, Racine - (262) 623-8241 You may now "stand your ground" in these locations. Our Milwaukee gun lawyers are frequently asked about the Castle Doctrine. Dont shoot in leg, means you are not in danger of death. It gives me a great deal of peace of mind that you will be there when needed! JavaScript is required for full site functionality, Cannabis/Marijuana/THC: Intent to Distribute, Tom Grieve is an experienced gun attorney.