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First, you can either make or buy organic apple cider vinegar. Additionally, getting rid of fungi build-up while still in its early stages is an excellent treatment against the following conditions. It may seem counterintuitive that yeast, one of the catalysts used in creating the foot soak of apple cider vinegar, will not survive when exposed to the mixture. That's because "people can develop complications before they realize they even have a problem," says Bresta Miranda-Palma, MD, a professor with the Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami Medical School. When you pull your feet out, finish with a cotton ball dipped in vinegar and run all over the affected areas. Make a relaxing foot bath by diluting 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 cup of sea salt, and 1 cup of Epsom salt in water as hot as you can tolerate. You can take a tablespoon of ACV upon wakening to jumpstart the livers detoxifying processes. Bye-bye, stinky boots. Step 2: This is optional. And I mean a lot. That means checking your feet daily and seeing a foot doctor (podiatrist) every two or three months in order to catch problems early. Hi, Im Brian Bradshaw. Anyone with a longstanding diabetes history has concerns of eventual diabetic neuropathy. Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus 2023Well+Good LLC. As with anything, a Listerine soak should be used in moderation. Weekly Care Trim toenails straight across with a nail clipper. Ultimate feet care and treatment is important when you are getting troubled with diabetes. Do not soak feet, or you'll risk infection if the skin begins to break down. Still warm, but not too scalding that youll burn your skin. But research does confirm that essential oils found in Listerine have beneficial antimicrobial and antifungal properties that may help kill fungi and bacteria and soothe skin. For a basic Listerine foot wash, you will need three things: Don't have enough time to soak for 45 minutes to an hour? Beth Krietsch is a freelance health and food writer with a Masters's Degree in Public Health Nutrition.