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If you want to read more click here. Other wild predators, such as foxes, may also attack dogs. There are ways to protect your German Shepherd from bobcats, such as securing your yard, removing food sources, and supervising outdoor time. Click and go. AskAbout.video/articles/Can-a-bobcat-kill-a-dog-259993----------We believe that education is essential for every people. A little declawed cat may easily have killed a Yorkshire terrier, even though the Yorkie is likely to double the size of the domestic cat. Bobcats can also attack if threatened or if cubs are nearby. The Mastiff is a courageous breed of dog that matches any other canines strength and power. A mountain lion would prefer deer, bighorn sheep, or small rodents as prey, but a lucky encounter with a bobcat could provide a meal. Dakota died in February 2016, and the family hasbeen beyond careful looking out for their dogs to prevent that from happening again. This is three to four times the bobcats bodyweight. Martha is always up for a good debate, and she loves to learn new things. Slowly Back Away: While facing the bobcat, slowly and carefully back away. Bobcats and other predators need to be kept away from small animals. Some of the reasons dogs chew on their feet is due to anxiety, infections, boredom, and injuries. The bobcat is a wild animal that can pose a threat to dogs. Should I Call The Authorities If My Pet Attacks And Kills A Bobcat? There are several dangers associated with bobcats. Your email address will not be published. "They are looking for a meal, not a fight." Can a bobcat kill a full . In conclusion, while it is possible for a bobcat to attack a German Shepherd, A GSDs size and weight advantage make it unlikely. Males: 20-50 inches, Females: 20-40 inches, Longer than tall, proportion of 10 to 8+12, Deciduous and mixed hardwood-softwood forests. Although it is possible to scare off a bobcat by making loud noises, its not likely to work. A stalking cat could feed on injured or unwary birds on the ground. Educate yourself and your family about bobcats and their behavior to be prepared to take the necessary steps if you ever spot one in your area. How Can I Teach My Dog Not To Chase Or Attack Wild Animals?