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-Parent/Guardian 2022 Do you have a heart that wants to see Christians develop a Christ-honoring, Spirit-filled life? We boast one of the highest staff retention rates in the nation. Its key to give them what they need when they need it, she says. Doesn't that sound likefun? Your classic overnight camp experience in the colorado mountains! ), Breathers (it's May and I still need staff ), So-so counselors from the previous year ("maybe he wasn't that bad . supporting our teachers and staff, and partnering with the school on endeavors to sustain the Academy into future years. Erik is constantly looking for ways to improve our program and our site. Free shipping for many products! Many of our staff members have been a part of Camp Eagle Ridge for 10 years or longer. If youre lucky, you may even meet a mermaid or discover a hidden treasure! Scoops about Camp Eagle Ridge . In general, we do not limit who can come to camp: we take a "try it first" approach. Hawks will cool off in the hot summer days with a variety of water-based games while Eagles will head to the pool at Carlmont High School to take a swim! This is the time to talk with the counselor about how things are going and whether or not he or she is meeting your expectations. At camp, Nicks favorite activities include sailing, canoeing, ultimate frisbee and biking. Tuesdays: Cooking Art Campers need to be able to eat, and toilet independently, or you will need to supply a one-on-one aide. Monday - Friday Eagles: Grades 3rd - 5th (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Weekly (Weeks 1 - 2 and 4 - 8): $375 Resident / $395 Non-Resident Erik and Kelly are the proud parents of four children between the ages of 21-29. Many of our staff have been a part of Camp Eagle Ridge for 10 years or longer! We are very intentional about how we how help young people develop their leadership skills. }Xrt8FoR7bG|OChY4vdb[ 8x/DOAHDTTa2(ttx TwFN~;'{ ~^Oq\m)r%5y%;r8%!1.P}Qgcs~&PAC,:,U]*|YZI[{ E?^W{'y_/~S>}B"*s{FT Ke?%_O_-x&i~&eJ{zJ8/3H^t:) j%UQPh0a1 J(Y6/*-qxP(C(&7qh$,Z,:n%~IJhQHe8w@)VQPNW7Af ! Whether it's Day Camp or up at our Overnight Property, God is on the move and we are praying for the best group of Camp Counselors in the country. While we make every effort to accommodate all types of adaptive needs, if a safety concerns or extreme behavioral issues are present, a parent/guardian may be asked to pick up their child. Look for staff who have had good role models themselves, and therefore have learned how to be a good leader. Be Discipled! I need to know that my counselors are comfortable singing in front of a group. The Florida Forest Service will close all campgrounds and recreation areas on State Forests if the county where the State Forest is located is placed under a Tropical Storm or Hurricane WARNING by the National Weather Service. Work to catch your staff doing things right! Since the age of 8, Carlos has been involved in theater and has acted in plays. These include: There are a number of different names that camps use such as LIT (Leaders in Training), CIT (Counselors in Training), and JC (Junior Counselors) to describe programs that develop staf f. When analyzing your program, ask yourself, "Are we developing counselors or are we building a senior camper program?"