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Camp As Sayliyah Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images The Biden administration is establishing a system based in Qatar designed to fast-track the processing of at-risk Afghans overseas and ensure they can arrive in the U.S. with permanent legal status and a resettlement destination already selected, senior government officials announced Tuesday. The Provost Marshal Office: What is it and what do they do? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. CAMP AS SAYLIYAH, Qatar--The Army officially closed Area Support Group-Qatar at a June 10, 2021 ceremony here attended by the 1st Theater Sustainment Command commanding general. For nearly nine months, the Fort Carson,. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); U.S. Central Command used it to preposition material bound for Iraq and Afghanistan. maintenance and supply support for Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS-5) in the State of Qatar. Twitter No FEAR Act Although, there was an evening meal, the highlight of the day was the lunch dedicated to the Army's June 14 birthday. A towering wall, protected by .50-calibre machine guns, encloses rows of warehouses housing the equipment for the 11,000 soldiers who make up an armored brigade and a division base. He is also responsible for supervising and executing the cargo documentation process and verifying the accuracy of movement control documents of Department of Defense cargo by commercial vessels. The Army birthday lunch featured Area Support Group-Qatar's last command team, ASG-Qatar Commander Col. Stephen A. Fabiano and his senior enlisted advisor Command Sgt. As troops leave Afghanistan, the stated U.S. goal has been to shift its military focus from counterinsurgency and conflicts in the Middle East to competing with powerful near-peer rivals, such as China. 4th BCD | U.S. Army Central All Rights Reserved. Maj. Jose Hernandez cutting an Army birthday cake, a carving station, two ice sculptures and carved fruit displays. Rebecca Cofield (center), from Phoenix, Ariz., poses for a photograph with Maeve Quinlan and Christy Carlson Romano, during a Hollywood celebrity meet-and-greet session for U.S. service members at Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar, April 17. SharePoint (CAC Required), Terms of Use The Army's newest and largest pre-positioned stock (prepo) facility opened in Qatar in August 2000. U.S. Central Command used it to preposition material bound for Iraq and Afghanistan. AFSBn-Qatar leadership discuss challenging, successful road to The most consequential of the facilities was the Army Prepositioned Stock forward-deployed here in August 2000, after a four-year construction of yards and climate-controlled warehouses to house vehicles and other equipment, weapons and communications gear for 11,000 Soldiers.