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It's about changing your lifestyle in a way that works for you so you can stay at a healthy weight. 2. Crime Junkie began at the end of 2017 and has consistently stayed at the top of the charts for over four years now. Crime Junkie Podcast | About Us Crime Junkie co-host Brit Prawat shared that she is in recovery for alcohol abuse. Ashley said Brit developed a brain bleed, which formed a brain clot. Brit and Ashley the night they "snuck out" . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. , as well as The Deck, Red Ball, and Full Body Chills. The announcement left fans feeling devastated; many are worried about Brit, who has been in the post-surgery recovery stage for a few months. She is also the host of several audiochuck shows, including top-rated hit podcast. Production and format. I just don't know when that is. Ashley Flowers Shares Update On 'Crime Junkie' Co-Host Brit Prawat After Health Scare "Crime Junkie" host Ashley Flowers has taken her love for mystery and put it into her first book . Ashley Flowers, 'Crime Junkie' Host, Releases New Podcast 'The Deck But Ashley added that she doesnt know when that will be and that Brit needs to be given enough time and space to heal. "Crime Junkie," among the genre's most popular shows, has pulled several episodes from its . Prawat, who hosts the Indianapolis-based true crime podcast with her best friend Ashley Flowers, took a step back from the podcast in May after suffering a sudden brain bleed. You're right. Learn more on The Deck Investigates.Now available to binge wherever you get your podcasts. It's not that they didn't properly cite their sources. The last Crime Junkie podcast episode featuring Brit came out on Monday, May 2, 2022. What Happened To Brit Prawat On Crime Junkie? Her Illness And Health On a special Sept. 6 update episode, which typically recaps true crime stories, Prawat joined Flowers to provide Crime Junkie listeners with more context surrounding her health battle. Aug. 22, 2019. Ashley and Brit: Ask Me Anything | Crime Junkie Podcast Ashley Flowers announced Brit Prawat would no longer be joining her on the podcast. What I havent shared is what likely led to that I was severely anemic as a result of my alcohol abuse. "At this exact second, I don't know what this means for Crime Junkie.