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Riml. After prepping cases, priming and charging with powder, seat your bullets. Load data for 47 loads in caliber .224 Valkyrie with .224 | 73gr | Berger LTB bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length and case capacity. Weve seen some threads in our Forum asking about the .224 Valkyrie, an AR-centric cartridge that offers significantly better long-range performance than the .223 Remington (5.5645). Best of all, the Gold Medal Berger was built for the AR platform, so it functions flawlessly in magazines and gas-operated systems. The Federal 75 grain TMJ is consistently sub-MOA and ofter 1/2 at 100 yards. Of note, my initial assumption that seating bullets to fit the AR magazine with room to spare would also chamber in the Valkyrie proved wrong. Classic Hunter; Elite Hunter; 338 Caliber; Classic Hunter; 6.5mm: 6.5 Creedmoor 260 Remington 6.5 x 55mm Swedish Mauser 6.5-284 Norma 26 Nosler. Berger 85.5 grain - 224 Valkyrie Forum 224 Valkyrie Laser Beam: Berger 80.5 Grain Load, Berger 22 Caliber 80.5 Grain Fullbore Target, Subscribe to Ultimate Reloader Reloading Blog by Email, TESTED: Sierra 6mm 107gr MatchKing Bullets. In essence, the extractor heaves back on the case rim whilst the case walls are still firmly gripping the chamber walls. If I hadnt dialed down a couple clicks, I could have been closer to the center. Fortunately, the day I hiked up to the 1000 yard Ultimate Reloader range to test this load, there was a direct tail wind, no side-to-side component involved that we could tell. Dropping down to a 16-incher begins to enter cartridge-crippling territory. The promise of 224 Valkyrie has been a 22 caliber platform that is AR-15 compatible *and* capable to 1000 yards and beyond. In that time I have used it for both hunting and competition. Berger produces the highest grade bullets and ammunition commercially available today. Hodgdon, the Brand Thats True, is pleased to announce the launch of load data for the new 224 Valkyriecartridge, now available on Hodgdons Reloading Data Center at www.HodgdonReloading.com. Taurus Marketing Manager Caleb Giddings highlights the features of the new Taurus Raging Hunter 460 Magnum, a purpose-built revolver with a 10.5-inch barrel and an effective recoil-taming brake, with Guns & Ammo Executive Editor Joe Kurtenbach. Hornady ELD Match 88-grain Hornadys match-grade 224 Valkyrie load features an 88-grain ELD Match bullet with a polymer tip that, unlike standard polymer-tipped ammo, wont melt in flight at extreme velocities. This attention to manufacturing excellence is why we say our products are True Match Grade quality. SAFETY FIRST! Ideally suited for target or match applications, the 75-grain Black loading delivers consistent accuracy and function from the AR platform with minimal recoil. Unlock Charge Details Add to wishlist Remove from wishlist 15.05.2020 Vihtavuori has added new loads to the available reloading data, also including lines for new caliber, .224 Valkyrie!