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The free version of the service is a content driving machine but isn't necessarily what you need when executing a news trade. But there are no specific buy and sell alerts like you would get following a sketchy alert service with thousands of blind followers. Having an audio broadcast means you can look away from your feed without worrying about missing a. Just thought I would share the video. In my case, having the guy text me helped me out with my sound issue. ), Convenient For Times When You Need to Give Your Eyes a Break or Take a Few Moments Away From Trading Station, Lack of Personal Customization (Only Things You Can Control Are Whether its On/Off and the Volume), Can Potentially Be Distracting (Dont Know When There Will Be a Sustained Flow of News or Periods of Silence), Check For the Best Available Benzinga Pro Deals and Discounts, Read My Comprehensive Benzinga Pro Review For Full List of Features, Alternatives, and More, Benzinga Pro Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). - Click the Safari menu in the top left corner, - Enable Show Develop in the menu bar at bottom of the Advanced preference pane, - Go to the newly enabled Develop menu > WebRTC (approx 2/3 of the way down), - Select Disable ICE Candidate Restrictions, -In Safari Preferences > Websites > Auto-Play on the left list > under Currently Open Websites > pro.benzinga.com > change drop down to "Allow All Auto-Play", -Go to chrome://flags/ in your chrome browser address bar, -In the search bar, search for Anonymize local IPs exposed by WebRTC, -Disable Anonymize local IPs exposed by WebRTC. There is no other place to get Benzinga Squawk via mobile. provides context to why the move is happening. You can also filter your news feed to whatever you want. Overall, there are many different ways people can receive and react to the same piece of news and theres not just one right and wrong answer. Yeah, they put out misinformation, get tickers wrong constantly. The squawk is more of a general tool, but there are multiple other features available within Benzinga Pro for deep individual customization. You can get key data from price, charts, financials, float, and much more. They have a chat feature within the browser application. Benzinga Pro Audio Squawk updates are provided by Charles Gross (aka Benzinga Charlie) every day from 6am to 6pm.