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AZBlue - Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona - Health Insurance Plans PAJ. A2Z, G2A, J4K etc. Xceed Billing Solutions motive is to create ease for providers, medical billers, patients and everyone who is involved in revenue cycle process. BCBS Alpha Prefix are first three letters of BCBS Member ID to identify correct Blue Cross Blue Shield department responsible for managing the patient eligibility, benefits and claims etc. The following summary and related prior authorization lists were posted on the Support Materials (Commercial) page the Utilization Management section of our Provider website as of Jan. 1, 2021: Commercial Communications Right after completing my degree in 2011, I started my job career as an Accounts Receivable in a medical billing company. These prefixes may include alpha and numerical characters. Independence Blue Cross (BC) of Philadelphia (Phi) and the Southeastern Pennsylvania (PA) PAI. plan. PDF Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota and Blue Plus Commercial Prior Benefits Administration Corporation, Inc. (BACI) 9411 Philadelphia RD. BCBS Alpha Numeric prefix are three characters at the start of each BCBS insurance member ID. BCBS is one of the largest medical insurance company by total members of more than 45 million. Enter a location and search by doctor or hospital name, health condition, or specialty. PDF 2021 Commercial Prior Authorization Requirements Summary You may see cards with four-character prefixes, e.g., HMSA Blue Cross Blue Shield of Hawaii uses four-character prefixes. The policy number is usually provided to the policyholder, who is the individual or entity that holds the insurance policy. If you have any questions, call the number on the members ID card. claims_and_billing/edi/ibc_ professional_payer_id.pdf 54704 -SX083 837I -12X26 Claims Address Claims Receipt Center Box 211184 Eagan, MN 55121 Adjustment Claims Inquiries P.O. External link You are leaving this website/app (site). BCBS Alpha Prefix Lookup 2023 Most Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) member IDs begin with a three-character prefix. No, the BCBS policy number is not typically the same as the BCBS member ID number. NBT . BCBS alpha numeric prefix contains alphabets as well as digits ranging from 1 to 9. CareFirst IDs have plan codes 080/580 and 190/690. Learn more about timely filing limits and CO 29 Denial Code. Complete patient information, on the other hand, allows your claims to process without delays. The three-character prefix at the beginning of the members identification number is the key element used to identify and correctly route out-of-state claims to the appropriate BCBS Plan. 365 0 obj
. BCBS Prefix List - Alpha Lookup by State 2022 - Finder Does BCBS Cover Wegovy for Weight Loss? BCBSIL makes no endorsement, representations or warranties regarding any products or services provided by third party vendors such as eviCore, AIM or Availity.