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WebThe film is based on the true story of Barbara Daly Baekeland (Moore), her husband Brooks Baekeland (Dillane), heir to the Bakelite plastics fortune, and their only child Antony (Redmayne), who was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Share some things about the Baekeland name. David:Hello Hugh, congratulations on your film All Things Bakelite. Daly Baekeland (1922 November 17, 1972) was a wealthy socialite who was murdered by her son, Anthony Baekeland. Here's the Relationship with Timothy Michael Dowling (Sosa/Ahnentafel #1), Relationship with Celine Emile Georgette Francoise Swarts (spouse), Browse using this individual as Sosa/Ahnentafel #1, , born 9June1868 - Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium, deceased 27February1957 - Coconut Grove, Miami-Dade Co., FL aged 88years old, Sources: Dowling Family Tree - Tim Dowling - rootsweb, 2001-2015 - - electronic - I242104, Marriage (with Celine Emile Georgette Francoise Swarts) - Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium, List of all individuals in the family tree, Celine Nina Julie Wilhelmina Antonia Platteau, {{ 'gw_downgraded_access_back_to_max'|translate }}, Born 14November1863 - Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium, Deceased 23February1944 - Beacon, Dutchess Co., NY, 100-years-later-Bakelite-shines:-Part-2 Welcome to the Baekeland Family page at Surname Finder, a service of Genealogy Today. Read on as Hugh shares a story with great relevance for today, the Leo Baekeland legacy. Keep in mind that it was not unusual for a last name to be altered as an ancestor entered a new country. He was always travelling for months at a time and we did not understand how he could afford it. In July of 1972, Antony attempted to kill his mother by pushing her into traffic. Baekeland Genealogy and Baekeland Family History Information Scream 6 continued the franchise's "requel" series, borrowing David:If you could have one wish that would begrantedwhat would it be? In 1972, Barbara Baekeland, the ex-wife of Brooks Baekeland, grandson of Leo, was stabbed to death with a kitchen knife by her son, Tony. David:What are some of your guilty pleasures? From left, Olivia and Isabella Solimene and Isabella's identical twin, Ha Nguyen, at a family wedding in 2022. Either way, the couple got married after Barbara faked a pregnancy to lock Brooks and some of his Baekeland family fortune. Baekeland If you're not sure how DNA testing could aid your Baekeland research, read "Utilizing DNA in Family History Research". Keep an open mind when searching through Baekeland records. The Mysterious Heir of Extreme Travel HTML code for a basic link. The Baekeland Genealogy and Family Tree Page at Surname Finder. He reportedly blamed an illness and several deaths in the family on having to adjust travel plans.