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I could lose a lot. [she gets killed into ashes]. Peter stands and tries to shake Strange's cape's hand.). Principal photography on Avengers: Infinity War officially began on January 23, 2017, and it was marked with a set video featuring Downey, Pratt, and Tom Holland. I'm gonna get a Bowflex. Peter Quill: Cause we're nice. Iron Man goes to hold him back, as Peter Parker is left to pull off the gauntlet]. You'll rot your brain. Doctor Strange: He can destroy life on a scale hither to undreamt of. You must be popular with children. Script Structure of Avengers: Endgame Exposition The beginning of the Avengers: Endgame script picks up where we left off in Avengers: Infinity War. Here. What's up, Mr. Stark? It's frightening. I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here. Where is the Soul Stone? Is there some sort of a four-digit code maybe Maybe a birth date or something Peter Quill: No, you're not! And possibly, kill me. ROSS: The world's on fire. Im always angry.. After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War, the universe is in ruins. Avengers: Endgame. We don't know what is means. ), (Tony fires at the flying Star-Lord as Peter Parker extends his spider legs and jumps at him, but Star-Lord throws an electric cord that wraps around Parker sending him to the ground). You're welcome. Marvel Studios. Strange: I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet. Lets take a look at what each character wants at this point in the story: Steve is an idealist. ROGERS: But it should. Pepper Potts: Come back here, Tony. Thor: You seem like a noble leader. (Suddenly a large figure storms towards them fiercely). You know what there should be? If the Script for "Avengers: Infinity War" Was Peer-Reviewed Look. Get it off. Peter Parker: (To Tony) Hey, what's going on? Natasha: Well then, we have to protect it. 'Avengers: Endgame' Script: Read and Download It Now - No Film School T'Challa: You might want to pick up the pace. Ebony Maw: Your powers are quaint. DRAX is standing in the corner.). Get your tickets now: out more on - Marvel on Twitter: . I tried to bench you. Thor: Absolutely. Peter Parker: Hey, man. avengers infinity war script pdf download Articles and Scriptwriting Thaos: [Looking out the large window.] Thanos: [anguished] I'm sorry, little one. ), THANOS: Why? (T'Challa, Steve, and Natasha walk to the edge of the barrier, where Proxima Midnight and Obsidian Cole stand). While the three are fighting, Falcon flies in and again kicks PROXIMA backwards where she crouches down beside CORVUS.). Drax: I'll do you one better! You hear me? It's a place. Students scramble to the windows to see the spaceship.]. Nebula: Mantis, listen very carefully. Star-Lord: I'm not from Earth. Thanos: Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian. Don't forget, I'm half human. All you got is a rope and a-, (Thor begins to swing the pod around.