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They want a leader who can look and act . MRT Resource Center: MRT Competencies: Self-awareness Self-regulation Optimism Mental Agility Strengths of Character Connection Goal Setting Identify, plan for, and commit to the pursuit of a goal that results in more optimal performance, sustained motivation, and increased effort. 0000008319 00000 n Jessica Scott taken March 9, 2020) A U.S. Army team leader with the 21st Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division leads his team during a movement to contact exercise at Kahuku Training Area, Oaho, Hawaii, March 9, 2020. An important part of an effective leader is ensuring to empower your people; how do you do this without feeling that you may have lost control? In order to understand leadership you must know what makes or constitutes a good leader and there are many qualities that separate individuals when considering this. Leads, develops, and achieves C. Purpose, direction, and motivation D. Expertise: Gaining knowledge in all areas of the organization's processes, resources, and applications toward achieving the organization's purpose. Train Your People as a Team: Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion amongst teams where every member feels valued. Leaders at all levels create their own philosophy based on organizational goals drawn from their command's philosophy. 12 0 obj b. Leader attributes are grouped into three core categories, they are: Selected Answer: A. Leaders should never be satisfied with their craft; the status quo should never be good enough. Leaders should always seek new ways to improve themselves, their Soldiers and their organization. Leaders influence others through providing a clear purpose, building trust, influencing superior organizations, achieving organizational goals, and demonstrating an example for others to follow. Conversely, I will also describe what leadership is not. hbbd```b``:"I',&4XLk`."sm 2})d\"3>L@dv 30.` +8 0000074354 00000 n Platoon: Consists of 2-4 squads and is led by a 1st or 2nd Lieutenant and a Sergeant First Class, Company: Consists of 3-5 Platoons and is led by a Captain and a First Sergeant, Battalion: Consists of 3-5 Companies and is led by a Lieutenant Colonel and a Command Sergeant Major, Brigade: Consists of 3-5 Battalions and is led by a Colonel and a Command Sergeant Major, Division: Consists of 3-5 Brigades and is led by a Major General and a Command Sergeant Major, Corps: Consists of 2-5 Divisions and is led by a Lieutenant General and a Command Sergeant Major Major. hbbd```b``~"HE XX-| &ox. endobj Warrant Officers typically do not fall within the leadership structure. 0000012248 00000 n NCO common core competency topics support the fourArmy Learning Areas, include subjects that are sequential and progressive, are based in Army doctrine, and build on skills, knowledge, and abilities of every NCO by enhancing a shared understanding required to operate effectively as a professional member of a ready and lethal force.