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This chart shows the nature of all the winter storms over the past season in just 1 minute. If you don't have a PDF reader, you can get one free by clicking, For summaries of significant weather events (severe storms, wintry precipitation, heavy rain, etc) in Arkansas, and access to an event archive since 1950 from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), go to our "Monthly Storm Reports and Storm Data" page by clicking. [emailprotected]. Turn around! NWS Little Rock, AR - Precipitation Plot Now that massive snowpack is melting and filling waterways. And we sure do love it! What are some of the best winter attractions in Arkansas? WFO Paducah Navigator Have you experienced any of these charming winter attractions in the Natural State? The graduate of University of Arkansas - Fort Smith, Carol Ann earned her B.A. Annual measures of snowfall are tallied from August 1 to July 31. . For now, Stacker cited data from NOAA to reveal when Lee County, Arkansas had its biggest snowfall up to summer 2021. On Jan 9, 1977 the county received 10 inches of snow over 24 hours. These records go back 1874. Weather History Archive for Places in Arkansas - And there's a lot of outdoor recreation available that you can only enjoy during our milder winter season.). You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: Eastern, Southern, Central and Northern Arkansas. Multiple locations were found. Biggest snowfall recorded in Fulton County, AR history When it comes to snowfall extremes, data will soon show how this winter compares to the past century. in English and will soon be pursing her M.A. SPN enlisted the help of the leading winter-expert Meteorologists to collect snow records throughout the United States. It's why global climate models predict a rise in extreme snowfall even as the planet warms. The first recorded date on which the city received its first 2 inches of snowfall. Official Snowfall Records for Little Rock, Arkansas, Official Snowfall Records for Fayetteville, Arkansas, Official Snowfall Records for Ft Smith, Arkansas, Official Snowfall Records for Hot Springs, Arkansas, Hiniker Plows Provide Innovation and Efficiency, VSI Manufacturing the Finest Liquid De-Icing Equipment in the Industry, V-Plow forTon with Optional Scoop Kit Sure to Impress. Stacker distribution partners receive a license to all Stacker stories, Each map has known accumulations from each winter storm or series of storms mentioned.