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All rights reserved. Deletes Norman and ad keowee and Grenville to your search. Find Columbia S.C. on a map, zero gators north of Columbia.Glenville is at 3500 ft, so c Gator-infested lake raises concerns 12-foot, 500-pound alligator caught at Lake Moultrie. Lake H.B. Lake Robinson, South Carolina, USA - LakeLubbers All sites have electric hook-ups; many sites also have water and sewer hook-ups. WebHi Everyone, Deciding on a possible 4-day lake vacation in Georgia or the Carolinas. Visit our LakeLubbers shop for personalized lake apparel, drinkware, home decor items and more! The primary coordinates for Alligator Creek places it within the SC 29532 ZIP Code delivery area. All four counties in the state of South Carolina are within the Lake Murray watershed, so it is possible that an alligator could make its way into the lake. More than 100 confirmed alligators make Lake Marion their home. Fish arent the only ones you can spot in the waters of Lake Marion, as this is also the place in South Carolina where there are the most confirmed alligator populations. Discover The Most Alligator Infested Lakes In South Carolina SC lake Alligator Fire District - Lake Robinson Station 4 - Hartsville, SC Composed of sand, The Mountain rises a hundred feet above the surrounding terrain. LakeLubbers and are trademarks of G & C Ventures LLC. SCDNR - Wildlife - Alligator Information - South Carolina Lake Marion; Clarendon, Orangeburg, Berkeley, Calhoun Large gator found on Upstate highway Lake Robinson, also known as Lake H. B. Robinson, was namedKeep scrolling to read more. Police in Bluffton issue warning after sightings of 8-foot alligator. WebAlligators thrive in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Maps, Driving Directions & Local Area Information Popular Local Resources Hotels Near Alligator Creek Nearby Cities Nearby Neighborhoods Nearby Features Alligator Creek - Location Map Lake Greenwood State Park provides an ideal access point for boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, picnicking, camping, and more. Check the specific campground for other amenities such as a boat landing, picnic facilities, swimming area, and concession stand. Do not intentionally feed an alligator no matter what its size. Lake Murray Natives 2022 SC Alligator Vendor's List. 15 Best Lakes in South Carolina - The Crazy Tourist GREENWOOD COUNTY, SC - It's not everyday that an alligator is spotted in the Upstate, but a Greenwood County woman came across one in the middle of a road. Wondering if there are any nice lakes that do NOT have alligators and are safe to swim alligator Visitors enjoy bird watching, primitive camping, and horseback riding.